
Some Feedbacks from Level 3 Secrets Seminar


I just completed the Level 3 Secrets Seminar last Saturday. I am very glad to learned that our participants can improve their persuasion and influencing power using the material.

Here are some of their feedbacks:

1. The seminar covers a lot of stuff. It is so packed that I felt exhausted but I also felt a sense of achievement after the seminar. You had demonstrated the mastery of the subject. I treasure the precious opportunity of learning from you. It is a great experience. Many thanks for your sharing.

2. It is an eye-opener, and I am looking forward to the Level 4 Seminar.

3. I found the seminar useful as there is many infomation on persuasion skills. It is very efficient to run through them in such a short period of time.

4. 意想不到,始料不及;源源不絕,生生不息。

5. Level 3 Secrets 教授了許多「說服」的技巧(想像不到真的可以那麽多),其中更提及到被游說者的心態,甚至是人性。我覺得後者是「說服」的神髓,但為許多坊間同類教材所忽略,又或故弄玄虛。但Level 3 Secrets能 直達核心,真的一說即明。

6. It is a great course and worth every pennies! As your other courses, this course provide a lot of valuable information and insights. One thing for sure is that I have got the key to persuasion! I am in a retail business, and some of the secrets are very relevant to the business.

7. 關於這個研討班, 本人得到了很多資訊, 有一些是新資訊, 有一些是平時都見過, 但好小留意到。 尤其是在您的舊電郵、舊課程單張上都可以見到你當日所講的, 這證明了內容是你平時一直有用, 睇到你今天的成功, 效果應是無容置疑。謝謝你的無私!

經過星期日的反覆溫習, 番看了幾次消化後寫下了自己的心得, 覺得101 Core是整個課程的花朵, 比我明白到更多人性的根本, 如果善用的話可以觀察到人的較弱處而加以說服。其實我唔想搬字過紙地運用, 我覺得背後理念才是主要核心。

另方面外表談吐看似綠葉, 但是有了、做了是可以發揮及加強說服的效力。整個課程的主幹是最尾15分鐘,好彩你記得講, 使到整個課程有番個框架! 其他一些書寫既application, 好好利用就有如刺一樣不為意地刺到對方處。

8. 感謝你創作及安排了這個超特別的課程 ! 感激你及你的同事為這個課程所做的每一伴事 ! 你的寶貴經驗及有心的分享使我獲益良多 , 既直接又實用 , 這是我最喜愛的課程 !

9. Keith,一個魅力迫人的Trainner,在 Level III Secrets Seminar中 ,發揮了一貫風趣可愛的態度,以專業有料的形象,加上神秘的能力,傅授了十年說服秘笈給弟子,秘笈簡單易用,弟子們如能活學活用,說服功力必然大增。

Thank you for all of your valuable feedbacks.

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