
Top 5 Tips: Top 5 Ways to be a Good Coach


Do you want to use coaching to help other improve and grow? If yes, take a look at my top 5 ways to be a good coach.

1. Get Formal Training. Coaching is not a list of questions to ask, or a collection of several skills. It is an art and you need training and practice to make it useful to your clients.

2. Learn from your Clients. See how they think. See how they improve. See what works and what doesn’t!

3. Treat your Clients like Human Beings. They are not subjects or objects. They are people. They have their problems and they can think by themselves. Your job is helping them to think!

4. Accepting the Facts that Clients will Come & Go. You can never keep a client for life. They come and go. Do your best to coach them when they are still with you!

5. Coach with some Frameworks. Coaching is never a guesswork or simply by intuition. Many say so, just because they do not know they are already using some frameworks in their coaching works. Learn and try some coaching models. Use them so that you are not coach randomly. Or this will simply confuse your clients, rather than helping them think with clarity.

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