This is Part 2 of my series of Hypnosis is about Changes.
As mentioned in Part 1, hypnotherapist facilitating changes can be done at the Cause/Factors, Problem(s) or the Symptoms Levels. The easiest is the Symptoms Level. We do it by giving Post-Hypnotic Suggestions.
The problem using suggestions is it seldom really works.
When the symptoms are being removed by suggestions and the "Problem(s)" still exist, it can simply generate another symptom or the same symptom later. But this can be effective under either of these two conditions:
1. You identified the true Motivation for the change needed and the Motivation is big enough.
2. The Symptom is just one of the many ways that can "stablize" the "Problem". It is NOT the Only and/or Key way to do so.
For Condition 1, true motivation can seldom be identified in Conscious Mind (when client is awake). They are usually buried in the Sibconscious Mind. To be effective, we use the motivations found in both mind to persuade both the conscious and the subconscious minds. We get such information of the conscious mind during Pretalk while we can identify the motivation of the subconscious mind using techniques like, Inner Guide, Inner Healer, Communicate with the Disease Entity, Hypno-Analysis, Motivation Mapping, Hypnotic Uncovering Technique and the ES Therapy.
You can do nothing about Condition 2. Condition 1 is a matter of skills while Condition 2 is a matter of Luck!
Motivation is the key to effective hypnotic suggestions. So, we formulate our Main Suggestion using the format of "Changes because Motivation".
When you can't help the clients to improve at the "Symptom(s) Level", go to the higher levels. The higher levels can be more effective, but need greater skills and might invlove more pains to the clients!
I will talk more about the "Cause Level" in Part 3.
Keith To's Ideas & Thoughts on NLP, Hypnosis, Coaching, Facilitation, Personal and Business Development. These seem to be nothing related. But from a Systemic Thinking perspective, they share similar nature and processes. 陶兆輝對身心語言程序學、催眠治療學、教練學、輔引學、個人發展及商業發展的純個人看法;它們看似毫不相關,但當你從合整式思維角度來看,它們卻擁有相近的性質及過程;我將每隔數天不斷加入新的文章, 內容絕不敢認為是肯定正確, 旨在拋磚引玉而矣。 (All articles copyrighted by Keith To)
Personal Development: Learning from Life #46 - #50
Here is another part of my learning from life:
46. Forgiving is still the best way to get rid of the bad feeling when someone did something bad to you. I choose to forgive the one who did something bad to me that day.
47. People is neither good or bad. People is people!
48. The more senior someone is, the more he/she opens to learn.
49. It is not what happens to a person that is important. It is what he thinks about it.
50. It is not what happens to a person that is important. It is what he does about it.
Here is another part of my learning from life:
46. Forgiving is still the best way to get rid of the bad feeling when someone did something bad to you. I choose to forgive the one who did something bad to me that day.
47. People is neither good or bad. People is people!
48. The more senior someone is, the more he/she opens to learn.
49. It is not what happens to a person that is important. It is what he thinks about it.
50. It is not what happens to a person that is important. It is what he does about it.
Hypnosis: Transference
Transference is a problem faced by all helping professionals. This problem might not caused by you, but you can still be affected. No matter you are a therapist, coach, counsellor, trainer or even a manager.
If you don't understand this problem, you might find yourself confused or annoyed.
Your clients might project some positive qualities (you might not have them) onto you. This makes them thinking you are great. They like you or even love you. This is the Positive Transference. It seems good but all his/her perceptions about you are based on false assumptions. Sooner or later, they might "discover" the "truth" and then he/she might turn against you. He/she might attack you as they think you had cheated them, though you have done nothing all from the beginning. Your clients might even shifted into another form of Transference, the Negative Transference.
The Negative Transference is the opposite of the Positive Transference. They might project some negative qualities (again you might not have them) onto you. This makes them thinking you are bad, really bad.
You cannot do much about Transference. One of the precautions is to keep professional distance with your clients. But transference can still happen even though you take your precaution.
Just don't be happy too soon when you find your clients "like" you or don't be too upsetted when they "hate" you!
Transference is a problem faced by all helping professionals. This problem might not caused by you, but you can still be affected. No matter you are a therapist, coach, counsellor, trainer or even a manager.
If you don't understand this problem, you might find yourself confused or annoyed.
Your clients might project some positive qualities (you might not have them) onto you. This makes them thinking you are great. They like you or even love you. This is the Positive Transference. It seems good but all his/her perceptions about you are based on false assumptions. Sooner or later, they might "discover" the "truth" and then he/she might turn against you. He/she might attack you as they think you had cheated them, though you have done nothing all from the beginning. Your clients might even shifted into another form of Transference, the Negative Transference.
The Negative Transference is the opposite of the Positive Transference. They might project some negative qualities (again you might not have them) onto you. This makes them thinking you are bad, really bad.
You cannot do much about Transference. One of the precautions is to keep professional distance with your clients. But transference can still happen even though you take your precaution.
Just don't be happy too soon when you find your clients "like" you or don't be too upsetted when they "hate" you!
Hypnosis: Hypnosis is About Changes Part 1
I seldom write about hypnosis. So I decide to write several short articles about my concepts of hypnotherapy. This is Part 1 of the series.
Hypnosis is about changes. We want to change because we do not satisfy with something about ourselves. It can be a bad habit, an addiction, a weakness, or a psychosomatic disease. It is something we don't want, consciously. But we just can't get rid of it because there can be some sub-conscious reasons, Cause and/or Factors.
A Cause is something happened in the past that caused your "Problem". There must a cause to everything. This is simple logic. Factors are something that create the condition for your "Problem". You can change your "Problem" by working on your Cause and/or your Factors.
One thing you must bear in mind that your bad habit, an addiction, a weakness, or a psychosomatic disease is NOT your "Problem". It is just the Symptom or one of the Symptoms of your "Problem". Your "Problem" is that something behind the Symptoms. For example, people has an addiction to alcohol can be just a Symptom of feeling stressed (i.e. the "Problem"). If we just remove the Symptom, some other Symptom can appear (or the same Symptom reappears later) as the "Problem" is still there.
To summarize:
Cause -- Problem(s) -- Symptom(s)
To successfully change, we can work on the Cause, the Factors, and/or the "Problem" itself. Well-trained Hypnotherapists work on either of these. (I am talkig about working on the "Problem", not removing it. If you remove the "Problem", the Cause will just create another "Problem". I will talk about it in greater details in later articles)
I seldom write about hypnosis. So I decide to write several short articles about my concepts of hypnotherapy. This is Part 1 of the series.
Hypnosis is about changes. We want to change because we do not satisfy with something about ourselves. It can be a bad habit, an addiction, a weakness, or a psychosomatic disease. It is something we don't want, consciously. But we just can't get rid of it because there can be some sub-conscious reasons, Cause and/or Factors.
A Cause is something happened in the past that caused your "Problem". There must a cause to everything. This is simple logic. Factors are something that create the condition for your "Problem". You can change your "Problem" by working on your Cause and/or your Factors.
One thing you must bear in mind that your bad habit, an addiction, a weakness, or a psychosomatic disease is NOT your "Problem". It is just the Symptom or one of the Symptoms of your "Problem". Your "Problem" is that something behind the Symptoms. For example, people has an addiction to alcohol can be just a Symptom of feeling stressed (i.e. the "Problem"). If we just remove the Symptom, some other Symptom can appear (or the same Symptom reappears later) as the "Problem" is still there.
To summarize:
Cause -- Problem(s) -- Symptom(s)
To successfully change, we can work on the Cause, the Factors, and/or the "Problem" itself. Well-trained Hypnotherapists work on either of these. (I am talkig about working on the "Problem", not removing it. If you remove the "Problem", the Cause will just create another "Problem". I will talk about it in greater details in later articles)
Personal Development: Sharing a Poem: Change
by Bob Tschannen-Moran (c) 2006
The gnawing preoccupation
That something might be wrong
That something has gone wrong
That something will go wrong
Does not inspire great change
Do this, or die
Lose this, or die
Gain this, or die
Achieve this, or die
Measure up to this, or die
The ultimatums of what must be done
And the babble of things gone wrong
Paint the case for change
On a canvass ofFrustration, failure, and fear
It takes courage to step away,
To let the noise die down,
And to listen for that still, small voice.
It takes wisdom to trustThe whisper of life:
"Let there be nothing wrong now."
"Let there be nothing wrong."
"Let there be something right now."
"Let there be something right
With life!"
The whisper roars
And planets turn
Infants grow
And lovers embrace
For life
The canvass bursts with
Aspiration, hope, and change
As the voice
Forever speaking
Proclaims things right
Right enough to dream again
Of things that might yet be
Right enough to design again
A different destiny
Such is the mystery of change!
We welcome the conversation
And befriend the challenge
Of becoming who we are
At our best
We invite the world
To join in the dance
Of becoming all it can be
Leaping and laughing into
New possibility
作者:by Bob Tschannen-Moran (c)2006 年
by Bob Tschannen-Moran (c) 2006
The gnawing preoccupation
That something might be wrong
That something has gone wrong
That something will go wrong
Does not inspire great change
Do this, or die
Lose this, or die
Gain this, or die
Achieve this, or die
Measure up to this, or die
The ultimatums of what must be done
And the babble of things gone wrong
Paint the case for change
On a canvass ofFrustration, failure, and fear
It takes courage to step away,
To let the noise die down,
And to listen for that still, small voice.
It takes wisdom to trustThe whisper of life:
"Let there be nothing wrong now."
"Let there be nothing wrong."
"Let there be something right now."
"Let there be something right
With life!"
The whisper roars
And planets turn
Infants grow
And lovers embrace
For life
The canvass bursts with
Aspiration, hope, and change
As the voice
Forever speaking
Proclaims things right
Right enough to dream again
Of things that might yet be
Right enough to design again
A different destiny
Such is the mystery of change!
We welcome the conversation
And befriend the challenge
Of becoming who we are
At our best
We invite the world
To join in the dance
Of becoming all it can be
Leaping and laughing into
New possibility
作者:by Bob Tschannen-Moran (c)2006 年
Learning from Life #41 - #45
Here is my next 5 learning from life:
41. We only care about what we don't have, but forget about what we have.
42. We always give ourselves long term pains by greedy short term gains.
43. Some people thinks. Some people acts. Some people does both.
44. Everything has 2 sides, at least.
45. We can make both ourselves and others unhappy when we cheat ourselves.
Hope you enjoy these 5 learning.
Here is my next 5 learning from life:
41. We only care about what we don't have, but forget about what we have.
42. We always give ourselves long term pains by greedy short term gains.
43. Some people thinks. Some people acts. Some people does both.
44. Everything has 2 sides, at least.
45. We can make both ourselves and others unhappy when we cheat ourselves.
Hope you enjoy these 5 learning.
Personal Development: Personal Cycles - Up & Down
Whether you notice it or not, we have cycles.
We go up and down within day, months, years or even decades. These up and down cycles are being affected by so many factors, inside and outside.
You might not be able to make yourself always high in the up-cycles. But we can be sensitive enough to be aware of their existence. Then you can make use of your cycles.
I am right now in my down-cycle. I am in doubt, boring moods. I am not quite productive. I always find myself very tired. I am slow in response. It is the best time for rest and reflection. We are in down-cycles because we used up our energy and there might be something that is pushing us down. Rest and Reflection are the keys to getting up.
The more rest you get during these period, the more energy you can restore. The more insights you get from your reflection, the more clarity about your situation you gain.
Don't push yourself out of the down-cycle. You just make yourself even more "down", like drowning. The harder you push, the deeper you sink!
Whether you notice it or not, we have cycles.
We go up and down within day, months, years or even decades. These up and down cycles are being affected by so many factors, inside and outside.
You might not be able to make yourself always high in the up-cycles. But we can be sensitive enough to be aware of their existence. Then you can make use of your cycles.
I am right now in my down-cycle. I am in doubt, boring moods. I am not quite productive. I always find myself very tired. I am slow in response. It is the best time for rest and reflection. We are in down-cycles because we used up our energy and there might be something that is pushing us down. Rest and Reflection are the keys to getting up.
The more rest you get during these period, the more energy you can restore. The more insights you get from your reflection, the more clarity about your situation you gain.
Don't push yourself out of the down-cycle. You just make yourself even more "down", like drowning. The harder you push, the deeper you sink!
Email Distribution List of the Content of this Website
I have just added a new email distribution list for the content of this website.
I post new message every 2 to 3 days. If you want to updated with all the information, simply send a blank email to keithto-subscribe@googlegroups.com to join.
Then you will received an email everytime I post to this site.
Hope you like this new service to you.
I have just added a new email distribution list for the content of this website.
I post new message every 2 to 3 days. If you want to updated with all the information, simply send a blank email to keithto-subscribe@googlegroups.com to join.
Then you will received an email everytime I post to this site.
Hope you like this new service to you.
I was Nearly Drowned!
Last week, I went for my holiday in Malaysia. Great sunshine and beautiful beaches!
I went snorkeling. I should wear a life jacket but I didn't. I thought that I am good at swimming and snorkeling. (I am a lifeguard twenty years ago!) A life jacket seemed to be meaningless to me.
There were lots of lovely fishes moving around here and there.
Suddenly, some sea water flushed into my mouth and I was choked. Just like everybody who had been choked in water, I moved my arms and legs fierceful and more water got into my mouth. A clear message flashed into my mind - "I am drowned!"
The second message went into my mind was that I should have worn a life jacket.
The third message then appeared - "I don't want to die and I need to be calm."
This is something easier to say than do. But I managed to do so and then I recalled what I learned during my lifeguard training. Most of the people will not die if they just stop what they are doing when they are drowned. That is, moving their arms and legs. This will just make them sinking faster.
So I stopped moving and started to breath slowly. It took me a minute or so before I became "normal" again. I saved my own life.
Lessons Learned:
1. Accident will happen. It will happen to those who do not think it will happen to them.
2. Sometimes it is what you are doing kills you. Stop doing what you are doing if it doesn't work.
3. Ask yourself what you really need. In my case, I need air, so I breath.
These are something too simple, but they saved my life.
Last week, I went for my holiday in Malaysia. Great sunshine and beautiful beaches!
I went snorkeling. I should wear a life jacket but I didn't. I thought that I am good at swimming and snorkeling. (I am a lifeguard twenty years ago!) A life jacket seemed to be meaningless to me.
There were lots of lovely fishes moving around here and there.
Suddenly, some sea water flushed into my mouth and I was choked. Just like everybody who had been choked in water, I moved my arms and legs fierceful and more water got into my mouth. A clear message flashed into my mind - "I am drowned!"
The second message went into my mind was that I should have worn a life jacket.
The third message then appeared - "I don't want to die and I need to be calm."
This is something easier to say than do. But I managed to do so and then I recalled what I learned during my lifeguard training. Most of the people will not die if they just stop what they are doing when they are drowned. That is, moving their arms and legs. This will just make them sinking faster.
So I stopped moving and started to breath slowly. It took me a minute or so before I became "normal" again. I saved my own life.
Lessons Learned:
1. Accident will happen. It will happen to those who do not think it will happen to them.
2. Sometimes it is what you are doing kills you. Stop doing what you are doing if it doesn't work.
3. Ask yourself what you really need. In my case, I need air, so I breath.
These are something too simple, but they saved my life.
Learning from Life #36 - #40
Another 5 of my learning from life:
36. Controlling oneself is easier than controlling others.
37. Work and Play can be done at the same time.
38. If you really want to help others, fulfill their needs, not yours!
39. To React is easier than to Respond.
40. Care for others, but live your own life.
Another 5 of my learning from life:
36. Controlling oneself is easier than controlling others.
37. Work and Play can be done at the same time.
38. If you really want to help others, fulfill their needs, not yours!
39. To React is easier than to Respond.
40. Care for others, but live your own life.
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