
Systemic View of the World (Updated: Dec 12 2007)


One of our classmates asked me about the meaning of Systemic Developmentalism recently.

Systemic Developmentalism is what I do in all the past years of my training without telling anyone since 1997. It was not the right time yet. No matter I am teaching NLP, Hypnosis and Coaching, I Incorporated the ideas of Systemic Developmentalism into the training.

Since earlier this year, I felt it is the right moment to promote the concept of Systemic Developmentalism to the people around me. To elaborate this concept, I try to do it in 2 separate messages. This is the first one and is about "Systemic".

Most of us see things from a Single Position, Single Angle, Single State and Single Stage (SPASS). So, we see what we always saw. We can only see the "Left" or the "Right", the"Above" or the "Below", the "Within" or the "Without", and the "Near" or the "Beyond". But we can see the "Left" and the "Right", the "Above" and "Below", the "Within" and the "Without", the "Near" and the "Beyond", if we intend to.

Furthermore, we see things at their Single Point in Time (SPIT). We only see what had happened, but we do not see the "Before" and "After". We see things as "Individual Events".

This is the source of most of our problems.

Systemic means Entire (全部), Whole (完整), and Complete (完全). That is, we do our best to see everything, including every elements, every parts, every components, every steps, every links and every systems within and without the whole system.

Then we are going to see the Included Parts/Wholes, the Excluded Parts/Wholes, the Hidden Parts/Wholes, the Obvious Parts/Wholes, the Surface Parts/Wholes, the Underlying Parts/Wholes, the Declining Parts/Wholes, the Emerging Parts/Wholes, the Core Parts/Wholes, the Peripheral Parts/Wholes, the Intrinsic Parts/Wholes, the Extrinsic Parts/Wholes, the Separated Parts/Wholes, the Aggregated Parts/Wholes, the Loose Parts/Wholes, the Integrated Parts/Wholes, the Natural Parts/Wholes, the Artificial Parts/Wholes, the Divisible Parts/Wholes, and the Indivisible Parts/Wholes.

Systemic is similar to the original idea of "Holistic" by Aristotle, but very different from the misunderstood general view of "Holistic" today by many people. Aristotle suggested that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Systemics studies also how the parts interact.

The current mostly misunderstood view of "Holistic" is about the "whole" body, or "body, mind, spirit". But we are more than that. If we can only see the "whole" body, or even the "body, mind, spirit", we are limiting our views. This is a typical reductionism in "Holistic", while "Holistic" is described as the opposite of "Reductionism".

To summarize our discussion, Systemic is about seeing more than what we usually saw. Thus providing us much wider sources of insights, inspirations, and solutions!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

(Updated: Dec 12 2007)