


佛家道家智慧低級化 is one of my objectives.

Both Buddhism and Taoism are of great wisdom, both in size and in depth. They are too difficult for most of us to learn. I am not talking about religion. They can be seen as great philosophy and knowledge.

So I decided to 低級化 them to make them available to everyone, not to use for religious purpose, but in daily life applications. I am not 普及化 them as I am not that great and knowledgeable. I just try to put only parts of their wisdoms into a lower level. So, I am not talking about Buddhism or Taoism. I even "mis-use" them.

In the past, I make use of the 低級化 results in the Mandala Thinking, Systemic Business Design, Mental Symbology or even in NLP!

I am stealing knowledge from 唯識宗 of Buddhism in my last article, NLP is about Thinking Part 10 - What is Thinking. I am stealing ideas from 『虛相唯識』and 『實相唯識』and apply them to "Less Filters" and "Real Filters" respectively.

I am telling you this because I want to admit my stealing and to seek your forgiveness about my possible misunderstandings of Buddhism and Taoism due to my limited knowledge!

Explore, Exceed & Excel