
NLP: Article Written Years Ago - Who's Driving the Bus? 誰在駕駛巴士?


This is my second re-published article on NLP that I have wriiten years ago.

Who's Driving the Bus?

Dr, Richard Bandler, the founder of NLP, once said "Who's driving the bus?" Or it might be better said as "Who's driving your bus?"

Your brain is like a machine without an "off" switch. If you don't give it something to do, it just do something else. It might not be your will. Or it might be against your will. According to Dr.
Bandler, most people are prisoners of their own brain. They are like sitting in the last seat of their own bus and someone else is driving. You do not know where he is taking you.

So, you must start to drive your own bus. At least start with deciding where you want to go. Everyday in the morning, think of what you want to accomplish that day. Keep on thinking about this image until you feel as if you had already accomplished it.

It usually takes about 1 to 2 minutes. Start your day like this so as to take your own driver's seat.

If you are not driving your own bus, who's driving?



Richard Bandler博士, NLP 的創始者之一,曾經說過:「誰在駕駛巴士?」,或者說:「誰的駕駛你的巴士?」可能更合適。


根據Richard Bandler博士,大多數人是他們的自己的大腦的「囚犯」,他們坐在他們自己的巴士最後排的座位,任由他人來駕駛他的巴士,你卻不知道他在帶他走向那裡。


這通常只花大約 1 到 2 分鐘,每日以這樣開始來取回你的駕駛座。


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