
NLP: The Missing Filter


One core part of NLP is the study of Filters in distorting, deleting and generalizing our thinking. The NLP Filters include Value (i.e. what's important?), Belief (i.e. what's real?) and Rule (i.e. what's right?). These filters can make our thinking and thus our behaviours distant from reality!

So, verifying our filters is one of the major purposes of learning NLP. But one even more influential filter is missing, our Emotions.

When we are in a positive emotional state (e.g. happy, excited, love, etc.), we tend to assign positive values to people, things and happenings. We are in a more readily accepting mood, even something we consider not good to us. However, when we are in a negative emotional states (e.g. sad, angry, fear, etc.), we do the opposites.

This is so called the "Self Deception" researched by Prof. Paul Thagard of the University of Waterloo. We unconsciously distort, delete, and/or generalize the reality when under emotions. This is why the State of Knowing Nothing (in New Coded NLP) is so important in gaining maximum insights. When we know nothing, we are in a void emotional state!

This is also the purpose of Emotional Release when we are doing the Transformational Hypnotherapy Skills (i.e IR, IC, etc.). Only after the emotions are released, the effect of emotions on our thinking is reduced so that we can gain positive messages after the process.

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