I was back from Thailand yesterday's evening.
I learned a great lot during the trip. I really want to share with you asap.
The most interesting discovery is that the people in Chiang Mai (清邁) are very slim! They are not poor and starving to slimness. I will discuss my discovery of their slimness in my next message. Everyone who wants a slim body must read!
BTW, I am going for another trip to Singapore tomorrow. Hope I can discover something new there. Signs are Everywhere!!!
Keith To's Ideas & Thoughts on NLP, Hypnosis, Coaching, Facilitation, Personal and Business Development. These seem to be nothing related. But from a Systemic Thinking perspective, they share similar nature and processes. 陶兆輝對身心語言程序學、催眠治療學、教練學、輔引學、個人發展及商業發展的純個人看法;它們看似毫不相關,但當你從合整式思維角度來看,它們卻擁有相近的性質及過程;我將每隔數天不斷加入新的文章, 內容絕不敢認為是肯定正確, 旨在拋磚引玉而矣。 (All articles copyrighted by Keith To)
Systemic View of the World (Updated: Dec 12 2007)
One of our classmates asked me about the meaning of Systemic Developmentalism recently.
Systemic Developmentalism is what I do in all the past years of my training without telling anyone since 1997. It was not the right time yet. No matter I am teaching NLP, Hypnosis and Coaching, I Incorporated the ideas of Systemic Developmentalism into the training.
Since earlier this year, I felt it is the right moment to promote the concept of Systemic Developmentalism to the people around me. To elaborate this concept, I try to do it in 2 separate messages. This is the first one and is about "Systemic".
Most of us see things from a Single Position, Single Angle, Single State and Single Stage (SPASS). So, we see what we always saw. We can only see the "Left" or the "Right", the"Above" or the "Below", the "Within" or the "Without", and the "Near" or the "Beyond". But we can see the "Left" and the "Right", the "Above" and "Below", the "Within" and the "Without", the "Near" and the "Beyond", if we intend to.
Furthermore, we see things at their Single Point in Time (SPIT). We only see what had happened, but we do not see the "Before" and "After". We see things as "Individual Events".
This is the source of most of our problems.
Systemic means Entire (全部), Whole (完整), and Complete (完全). That is, we do our best to see everything, including every elements, every parts, every components, every steps, every links and every systems within and without the whole system.
Then we are going to see the Included Parts/Wholes, the Excluded Parts/Wholes, the Hidden Parts/Wholes, the Obvious Parts/Wholes, the Surface Parts/Wholes, the Underlying Parts/Wholes, the Declining Parts/Wholes, the Emerging Parts/Wholes, the Core Parts/Wholes, the Peripheral Parts/Wholes, the Intrinsic Parts/Wholes, the Extrinsic Parts/Wholes, the Separated Parts/Wholes, the Aggregated Parts/Wholes, the Loose Parts/Wholes, the Integrated Parts/Wholes, the Natural Parts/Wholes, the Artificial Parts/Wholes, the Divisible Parts/Wholes, and the Indivisible Parts/Wholes.
Systemic is similar to the original idea of "Holistic" by Aristotle, but very different from the misunderstood general view of "Holistic" today by many people. Aristotle suggested that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Systemics studies also how the parts interact.
The current mostly misunderstood view of "Holistic" is about the "whole" body, or "body, mind, spirit". But we are more than that. If we can only see the "whole" body, or even the "body, mind, spirit", we are limiting our views. This is a typical reductionism in "Holistic", while "Holistic" is described as the opposite of "Reductionism".
To summarize our discussion, Systemic is about seeing more than what we usually saw. Thus providing us much wider sources of insights, inspirations, and solutions!
Explore, Exceed & Excel
(Updated: Dec 12 2007)
One of our classmates asked me about the meaning of Systemic Developmentalism recently.
Systemic Developmentalism is what I do in all the past years of my training without telling anyone since 1997. It was not the right time yet. No matter I am teaching NLP, Hypnosis and Coaching, I Incorporated the ideas of Systemic Developmentalism into the training.
Since earlier this year, I felt it is the right moment to promote the concept of Systemic Developmentalism to the people around me. To elaborate this concept, I try to do it in 2 separate messages. This is the first one and is about "Systemic".
Most of us see things from a Single Position, Single Angle, Single State and Single Stage (SPASS). So, we see what we always saw. We can only see the "Left" or the "Right", the"Above" or the "Below", the "Within" or the "Without", and the "Near" or the "Beyond". But we can see the "Left" and the "Right", the "Above" and "Below", the "Within" and the "Without", the "Near" and the "Beyond", if we intend to.
Furthermore, we see things at their Single Point in Time (SPIT). We only see what had happened, but we do not see the "Before" and "After". We see things as "Individual Events".
This is the source of most of our problems.
Systemic means Entire (全部), Whole (完整), and Complete (完全). That is, we do our best to see everything, including every elements, every parts, every components, every steps, every links and every systems within and without the whole system.
Then we are going to see the Included Parts/Wholes, the Excluded Parts/Wholes, the Hidden Parts/Wholes, the Obvious Parts/Wholes, the Surface Parts/Wholes, the Underlying Parts/Wholes, the Declining Parts/Wholes, the Emerging Parts/Wholes, the Core Parts/Wholes, the Peripheral Parts/Wholes, the Intrinsic Parts/Wholes, the Extrinsic Parts/Wholes, the Separated Parts/Wholes, the Aggregated Parts/Wholes, the Loose Parts/Wholes, the Integrated Parts/Wholes, the Natural Parts/Wholes, the Artificial Parts/Wholes, the Divisible Parts/Wholes, and the Indivisible Parts/Wholes.
Systemic is similar to the original idea of "Holistic" by Aristotle, but very different from the misunderstood general view of "Holistic" today by many people. Aristotle suggested that the whole is more than the sum of its parts. Systemics studies also how the parts interact.
The current mostly misunderstood view of "Holistic" is about the "whole" body, or "body, mind, spirit". But we are more than that. If we can only see the "whole" body, or even the "body, mind, spirit", we are limiting our views. This is a typical reductionism in "Holistic", while "Holistic" is described as the opposite of "Reductionism".
To summarize our discussion, Systemic is about seeing more than what we usually saw. Thus providing us much wider sources of insights, inspirations, and solutions!
Explore, Exceed & Excel
(Updated: Dec 12 2007)
Requesting for Input: NLP is about Thinking
After completed the Hypnosis is about Changes article series, I like to start a longer series of NLP is about Thinking.
I like to write more about theories and background understanding of NLP rather than techniques.
If you want to know or clarify anything about NLP, please kindly let me know by emailing me at keithto@keithto.com. I really need your input.
Many thanks.
After completed the Hypnosis is about Changes article series, I like to start a longer series of NLP is about Thinking.
I like to write more about theories and background understanding of NLP rather than techniques.
If you want to know or clarify anything about NLP, please kindly let me know by emailing me at keithto@keithto.com. I really need your input.
Many thanks.
Rules of a Therapist
I am right now in Thailand, studing some traditional Thai therapies. I study these because I wish to learn something different from what I had learned before, and something I don't really need. This might give me some new insights in other areas.
Something I found really interesting and impressive is about their attitude being a therapist.
They strongly emphaize the rules of a therapist in the program. These rules are simple and basic stuff. They are really good guidelines not just for a therapist, but for anyone else. Here are the rules:
1. Study Diligently.
2. Do not hope for any Gain.
3. Do not take Clients from other therapists.
4. Do not Boast about your knowledge.
5. Ask for Advices and Listen to people who know better than you.
6. Give thanks everyday to your Teachers.
I am right now in Thailand, studing some traditional Thai therapies. I study these because I wish to learn something different from what I had learned before, and something I don't really need. This might give me some new insights in other areas.
Something I found really interesting and impressive is about their attitude being a therapist.
They strongly emphaize the rules of a therapist in the program. These rules are simple and basic stuff. They are really good guidelines not just for a therapist, but for anyone else. Here are the rules:
1. Study Diligently.
2. Do not hope for any Gain.
3. Do not take Clients from other therapists.
4. Do not Boast about your knowledge.
5. Ask for Advices and Listen to people who know better than you.
6. Give thanks everyday to your Teachers.
Hypnosis: Hypnosis is About Changes - Part 1-6
Many people tell me that they can't find all the 6 articles of the Hypnosis is about Changes series. So I consolidate all 6 here again.
I had re-written some of the content, adding new information and correcting some typos. I hope that it can be more readable.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Updated: July 27 2007
I. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is About Changes Part 1 – Source, Problem(s), Symptom(s) & Factor(s)
I seldom write about hypnosis. So I decide to write several short articles about my concepts of hypnotherapy. This is Part 1 of the series.
Hypnosis is about changes. We want to change because we do not satisfy with something about ourselves. It can be a bad habit, an addiction, a weakness, or a psychosomatic disease. It is something we don't want, consciously. But we just can't get rid of it because there can be some sub-conscious reasons, Source and/or Factors.
A Source is something happened in the past that caused your "Problem". There must a cause to everything. This is simple logic. Factors are something that creates the condition for your "Problem" and/or your Symptoms. You can change your "Problem" by working on your Source and/or your Factors.
One thing you must bear in mind that your bad habit, an addiction, a weakness, or a psychosomatic disease is NOT your "Problem". It is just the Symptom or one of the Symptoms of your "Problem". Your "Problem" is that something behind the Symptoms. For example, people have an addiction to alcohol can be just a Symptom of feeling stressed (i.e. the "Problem"). If we just remove the Symptom, some other Symptom can appear (or the same Symptom reappears later, i.e. Relapse!) as the "Problem" is still there.
To summarize:
Source >Problem(s) > Symptom(s)
---------- Factor(s)------Factor(s)
To successfully change, we can work on the Source, the Factors, and/or the "Problem" itself. Well-trained Hypnotherapists work on either of these. (I am talking about working on the "Problem", not removing it. If you remove the "Problem", the Source will just create another "Problem". I will talk about it in greater details in later articles)
Amongst these, the most difficult part is the Problem. The Symptoms, the Source and the Factors are more concrete in nature, while the Problem is abstract. Most people do not know what is the Problem they are facing.
II. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 2 - Symptoms
This is Part 2 of my series of Hypnosis is about Changes.
As mentioned in Part 1, hypnotherapist facilitating changes can be done at the Source/Factors, Problem(s) or the Symptoms Levels. The easiest is the Symptoms Level. We do it by giving Post-Hypnotic Suggestions.
The problem using suggestions is it seldom really works.
When the symptoms are being removed by suggestions and the "Problem(s)" still exist, it can simply generate another symptom or the same symptom later. But this can be effective under either of these two conditions:
1. You identified the true Motivation for the change needed and the Motivation is big enough.
2. The Symptom is just one of the many ways that can "Stabilize" the "Problem". It is NOT the Only and/or Key way to do so. The Problem is still stable even without this symptom.
For Condition 1, true motivation can seldom be identified in Conscious Mind (when client is awake). They are usually buried in the Subconscious Mind. To be effective, we use the motivations found in both minds to persuade both the conscious and the subconscious minds. We get such information of the conscious mind during Pre-talk, particularly when we can relate the changes required to client's needs and/or wants. We can identify the motivation of the subconscious mind using techniques like, Inner Guide, Inner Healer, Communicate with the Disease Entity, Hypno-Analysis, Motivation Mapping, Hypnotic Uncovering Technique and the ES Therapy.
You can do nothing about Condition 2. Condition 1 is a matter of skills while Condition 2 is a matter of Luck!
Motivation is the key to effective hypnotic suggestions. So, we formulate our Main Suggestion using the format of "Changes because Motivation".
When you can't help the clients to improve at the "Symptom(s) Level", go to the higher (or earlier) levels. The higher levels can be more effective, but need greater skills and might involve more pains to the clients!
I will talk more about the "Source Level" in Part 3.
III. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 3 - Source
This is Part 3 of my article series of "Hypnosis is about Changes".
As mentioned in Part 1, hypnotherapist facilitating changes can be done at the Source/Factors, Problem(s) or the Symptoms Levels. I talked about the Symptoms Level in Part 2. It is easiest at the Symptoms Level. We do it by giving Post-Hypnotic Suggestions. But the problem is it seldom really works!
In this Part 3, I am going to talk about the Source Level.
Every Problem has an ultimate cause, which can be physical, psychological or emotional. We cannot do much about the cause if it is physical and psychological. It is the job of medical doctors or clinical psychologists respectively. Being a hypnotherapist, we can work on emotional causes.
There can be a lot of causes for a problem. The best leverage is to work on the ultimate cause, or the original cause - the "Source" of the problem. So, this level is better called the "Source Level" to reduce misunderstandings.
The "Source" can be happened years ago, or just in last week. The "Source" can be some bad experiences in the past. When the "Source" is settled, the problem is then resolved automatically.
We can use all kinds of Regression Therapy, like Inner Regression (in Certified Hypnotherapist Level) or Age Regression (in Master Hypnotherapist Level). We assist the client to go back to the time of the "Source", re-view it and re-understand it. It is the new understandings that heal! Regression Therapy can be a painful, but fruitful process. If you are not well-trained for it, keep away from it! One can hurt the client even more by mis-using these advanced skills.
When clients get new understanding about the "Source", they changed the "old" beliefs related to the "Source" and then to the "Problem". Our old beliefs must be replaced with new beliefs before changes can be taken place. We cannot "not" believe/do something old, we must believe/do something new instead! So we always ask our clients for positive messages, new learning or understandings upon completion of the regression therapy.
Skillful hypnotherapists will convert these positive messages, new learning and understandings into Post-Hypnotic Suggestions.
Why clients can always get positive messages, new learning and understandings after successful regression therapy? It is because there are some critical elements in any good regression therapies:
1. Clients re-experience the whole thing again. They release the repressed emotions so that they can "see" the experience clearer.
2. Clients have the chance to "dissociated" from him/herself during the process, so that they can "see" the experience in a more objective, detached perspective.
3. Clients can "see" what happened before, during and after the experience again. They have the time to "see" what they had missed when it happened in the past.
4. Clients can "go" into the minds of the related other people (Inner Personalities inside the clients). This makes clients not only understand better the case, but the thinking of related people (thinking of clients' Inner Personalities, thus gaining fuller understanding of him/herself.
5. Therapists have a systematic process to request the clients for the positive messages, new learning and understandings. This process assists clients for a better understanding.
Inner Communication is another tool for the "Source" Level. This enables the clients to finish the "unfinished" business with someone else (again, Inner Personalities of the clients) in the past. This process works when the "Source" is an unfinished business. Of course, when you still angry with someone after years, this is an unfinished business.
I will discuss with you the "Factors Level" in Part 4 of this series later.
IV. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 4 - Factors
This is Part 4 of my article series of "Hypnosis is about Changes".
To recap what we had discussed in the last 3 parts:
Source > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors
Every Problem the client facing might have a Source, the initial origin. It can be some unpleasant past experience. The Problem can then produce various Symptoms.
In this Part 4, I am going to talk about the Factors Element.
The Factors are conditions that support the Problem and/or the Symptoms. It can be internal or external. The External Factors are the conditions for the Problem or the Symptoms. The Internal Factors are beliefs that support the Problem or the Symptoms. The more intense are the Factors, the more serious can the Problem/Symptoms be.
If we can't work on the Source due to whatever reasons, we can "attack" the Factors. We, hypnotherapists, can help our clients either by making our clients aware of the Factors so that they can do something about them, or by reducing the intensity of their internal factors, or by lowering their reactions to the external factors, or by cutting off the links between the Factors and the Problem.
Usually by doing so, we can reduce the seriousness of the Problem/Symptoms, or sometimes we can eliminate the Problem as the conditions (Factors) are not strong enough to support the Problem any more.
We can help our clients to identify the Factors through the use of Inner Guidance, Inner Healer, Communicating with the Disease Entity, Hypnotic Uncovering Technique, and the Systemic Hypnotherapy. Of course, an experienced hypnotherapist can obtain a lot of “Factors” information during the Pre-talk, too.
In our Part 5 of the series, we will discuss the Belief Element of the Problem.
V. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 5 - Beliefs
This is the Part 5 of the article series of "Hypnosis is about Changes".
To recap what we had discussed in the last 4 parts:
Source > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors
This is not the full picture yet. The Source cannot directly produce the Problem. For example, a boy who was frightened by his teacher cannot make him having fear with his boss. The former can be the Source of the latter. But there is a missing link between them. It can be something like this:
Source > Beliefs > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors
The Source subconsciously induced a/some beliefs, which indirectly lead to the Problem. The boy, after being frightened by his teacher, can believe that all people senior than him can be threatening. This Belief causes the fear. He then might fear his father, his boss, his clients or older colleagues.
This opens up another door for hypnotherapists to work on the Problem. We can identify the Belief behind clients' Problem. When they shifted their Beliefs, they improve their Problems.
We can use hypnotic techniques like Inner Guidance, Inner Healer, Communicating with the Disease Entity, Hypnotic Uncovering Technique, or Ego States Therapy to identify the Meaning of the Illness or Problem. When the Meaning and/or Belief is exposed, if it is irrational, the clients can then gain understanding and learning.
Some simple NLP skills, like Limiting Belief Elicitation can also be used during Pre-talk or in hypnotic state to uncover the underlying beliefs.
I also recommend the use of Mental Symbology to map the concept of clients' beliefs. This is of great leverage as it helps the clients to discover their operating concepts governing their beliefs.
We will talk about the last Element, Resultant, in our Part 6.
VI. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 6 - Resultant
This is the Part 6, the final part of the article series of "Hypnosis is about Changes".
To recap what we had discussed in the last 5 parts:
Source > Beliefs > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors
This model reflects 5 locations we hypnotherapists can work on with our clients. This enhances our flexibility. But the picture is not yet completed. Here is the 6th element.
Source > Beliefs > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors > Results
Clients come to you sometimes due to the Symptoms, and sometimes due to the Results. They might be asking for help on their red face when meeting the opposite sexes, or they might be requesting for help in their difficulties in having a boy/girl friend. The former is the Symptoms while the latter is the Results.
We can help the client to change the results without changing any of the previous 5 elements. He can still having red face when meeting girls, but he can be able to talk with them even with a red face.
When we can't do anything with all the 5 other elements due to whatever reasons, we can add/remove/change some other behaviour to achieve an alternative but improved result. We can do this by Hypnotic Suggestions, Inner Guidance, Inner Mediation or Ego States Therapy. The original problem still exists, but the client gets a better result. But it can be best done through Systemic Hypnotherapy. (to be discussed in our Master Hypnotherapist Program)
When I was dealing with very old-aged clients, or when the pain from the Source was too great for him/her to touch on his/her Source, Beliefs, Problems, or the Source and/or the Belief was too repressed that we can uncover nothing, I will just handle his/her Results.
This is the final part of this series, and I hope you can get a fuller picture on hypnotherapeutic intervention.
I plan to start another series on blind-spots. Hope you can find it useful too.
Many people tell me that they can't find all the 6 articles of the Hypnosis is about Changes series. So I consolidate all 6 here again.
I had re-written some of the content, adding new information and correcting some typos. I hope that it can be more readable.
Explore, Exceed & Excel
Updated: July 27 2007
I. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is About Changes Part 1 – Source, Problem(s), Symptom(s) & Factor(s)
I seldom write about hypnosis. So I decide to write several short articles about my concepts of hypnotherapy. This is Part 1 of the series.
Hypnosis is about changes. We want to change because we do not satisfy with something about ourselves. It can be a bad habit, an addiction, a weakness, or a psychosomatic disease. It is something we don't want, consciously. But we just can't get rid of it because there can be some sub-conscious reasons, Source and/or Factors.
A Source is something happened in the past that caused your "Problem". There must a cause to everything. This is simple logic. Factors are something that creates the condition for your "Problem" and/or your Symptoms. You can change your "Problem" by working on your Source and/or your Factors.
One thing you must bear in mind that your bad habit, an addiction, a weakness, or a psychosomatic disease is NOT your "Problem". It is just the Symptom or one of the Symptoms of your "Problem". Your "Problem" is that something behind the Symptoms. For example, people have an addiction to alcohol can be just a Symptom of feeling stressed (i.e. the "Problem"). If we just remove the Symptom, some other Symptom can appear (or the same Symptom reappears later, i.e. Relapse!) as the "Problem" is still there.
To summarize:
Source >Problem(s) > Symptom(s)
---------- Factor(s)------Factor(s)
To successfully change, we can work on the Source, the Factors, and/or the "Problem" itself. Well-trained Hypnotherapists work on either of these. (I am talking about working on the "Problem", not removing it. If you remove the "Problem", the Source will just create another "Problem". I will talk about it in greater details in later articles)
Amongst these, the most difficult part is the Problem. The Symptoms, the Source and the Factors are more concrete in nature, while the Problem is abstract. Most people do not know what is the Problem they are facing.
II. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 2 - Symptoms
This is Part 2 of my series of Hypnosis is about Changes.
As mentioned in Part 1, hypnotherapist facilitating changes can be done at the Source/Factors, Problem(s) or the Symptoms Levels. The easiest is the Symptoms Level. We do it by giving Post-Hypnotic Suggestions.
The problem using suggestions is it seldom really works.
When the symptoms are being removed by suggestions and the "Problem(s)" still exist, it can simply generate another symptom or the same symptom later. But this can be effective under either of these two conditions:
1. You identified the true Motivation for the change needed and the Motivation is big enough.
2. The Symptom is just one of the many ways that can "Stabilize" the "Problem". It is NOT the Only and/or Key way to do so. The Problem is still stable even without this symptom.
For Condition 1, true motivation can seldom be identified in Conscious Mind (when client is awake). They are usually buried in the Subconscious Mind. To be effective, we use the motivations found in both minds to persuade both the conscious and the subconscious minds. We get such information of the conscious mind during Pre-talk, particularly when we can relate the changes required to client's needs and/or wants. We can identify the motivation of the subconscious mind using techniques like, Inner Guide, Inner Healer, Communicate with the Disease Entity, Hypno-Analysis, Motivation Mapping, Hypnotic Uncovering Technique and the ES Therapy.
You can do nothing about Condition 2. Condition 1 is a matter of skills while Condition 2 is a matter of Luck!
Motivation is the key to effective hypnotic suggestions. So, we formulate our Main Suggestion using the format of "Changes because Motivation".
When you can't help the clients to improve at the "Symptom(s) Level", go to the higher (or earlier) levels. The higher levels can be more effective, but need greater skills and might involve more pains to the clients!
I will talk more about the "Source Level" in Part 3.
III. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 3 - Source
This is Part 3 of my article series of "Hypnosis is about Changes".
As mentioned in Part 1, hypnotherapist facilitating changes can be done at the Source/Factors, Problem(s) or the Symptoms Levels. I talked about the Symptoms Level in Part 2. It is easiest at the Symptoms Level. We do it by giving Post-Hypnotic Suggestions. But the problem is it seldom really works!
In this Part 3, I am going to talk about the Source Level.
Every Problem has an ultimate cause, which can be physical, psychological or emotional. We cannot do much about the cause if it is physical and psychological. It is the job of medical doctors or clinical psychologists respectively. Being a hypnotherapist, we can work on emotional causes.
There can be a lot of causes for a problem. The best leverage is to work on the ultimate cause, or the original cause - the "Source" of the problem. So, this level is better called the "Source Level" to reduce misunderstandings.
The "Source" can be happened years ago, or just in last week. The "Source" can be some bad experiences in the past. When the "Source" is settled, the problem is then resolved automatically.
We can use all kinds of Regression Therapy, like Inner Regression (in Certified Hypnotherapist Level) or Age Regression (in Master Hypnotherapist Level). We assist the client to go back to the time of the "Source", re-view it and re-understand it. It is the new understandings that heal! Regression Therapy can be a painful, but fruitful process. If you are not well-trained for it, keep away from it! One can hurt the client even more by mis-using these advanced skills.
When clients get new understanding about the "Source", they changed the "old" beliefs related to the "Source" and then to the "Problem". Our old beliefs must be replaced with new beliefs before changes can be taken place. We cannot "not" believe/do something old, we must believe/do something new instead! So we always ask our clients for positive messages, new learning or understandings upon completion of the regression therapy.
Skillful hypnotherapists will convert these positive messages, new learning and understandings into Post-Hypnotic Suggestions.
Why clients can always get positive messages, new learning and understandings after successful regression therapy? It is because there are some critical elements in any good regression therapies:
1. Clients re-experience the whole thing again. They release the repressed emotions so that they can "see" the experience clearer.
2. Clients have the chance to "dissociated" from him/herself during the process, so that they can "see" the experience in a more objective, detached perspective.
3. Clients can "see" what happened before, during and after the experience again. They have the time to "see" what they had missed when it happened in the past.
4. Clients can "go" into the minds of the related other people (Inner Personalities inside the clients). This makes clients not only understand better the case, but the thinking of related people (thinking of clients' Inner Personalities, thus gaining fuller understanding of him/herself.
5. Therapists have a systematic process to request the clients for the positive messages, new learning and understandings. This process assists clients for a better understanding.
Inner Communication is another tool for the "Source" Level. This enables the clients to finish the "unfinished" business with someone else (again, Inner Personalities of the clients) in the past. This process works when the "Source" is an unfinished business. Of course, when you still angry with someone after years, this is an unfinished business.
I will discuss with you the "Factors Level" in Part 4 of this series later.
IV. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 4 - Factors
This is Part 4 of my article series of "Hypnosis is about Changes".
To recap what we had discussed in the last 3 parts:
Source > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors
Every Problem the client facing might have a Source, the initial origin. It can be some unpleasant past experience. The Problem can then produce various Symptoms.
In this Part 4, I am going to talk about the Factors Element.
The Factors are conditions that support the Problem and/or the Symptoms. It can be internal or external. The External Factors are the conditions for the Problem or the Symptoms. The Internal Factors are beliefs that support the Problem or the Symptoms. The more intense are the Factors, the more serious can the Problem/Symptoms be.
If we can't work on the Source due to whatever reasons, we can "attack" the Factors. We, hypnotherapists, can help our clients either by making our clients aware of the Factors so that they can do something about them, or by reducing the intensity of their internal factors, or by lowering their reactions to the external factors, or by cutting off the links between the Factors and the Problem.
Usually by doing so, we can reduce the seriousness of the Problem/Symptoms, or sometimes we can eliminate the Problem as the conditions (Factors) are not strong enough to support the Problem any more.
We can help our clients to identify the Factors through the use of Inner Guidance, Inner Healer, Communicating with the Disease Entity, Hypnotic Uncovering Technique, and the Systemic Hypnotherapy. Of course, an experienced hypnotherapist can obtain a lot of “Factors” information during the Pre-talk, too.
In our Part 5 of the series, we will discuss the Belief Element of the Problem.
V. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 5 - Beliefs
This is the Part 5 of the article series of "Hypnosis is about Changes".
To recap what we had discussed in the last 4 parts:
Source > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors
This is not the full picture yet. The Source cannot directly produce the Problem. For example, a boy who was frightened by his teacher cannot make him having fear with his boss. The former can be the Source of the latter. But there is a missing link between them. It can be something like this:
Source > Beliefs > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors
The Source subconsciously induced a/some beliefs, which indirectly lead to the Problem. The boy, after being frightened by his teacher, can believe that all people senior than him can be threatening. This Belief causes the fear. He then might fear his father, his boss, his clients or older colleagues.
This opens up another door for hypnotherapists to work on the Problem. We can identify the Belief behind clients' Problem. When they shifted their Beliefs, they improve their Problems.
We can use hypnotic techniques like Inner Guidance, Inner Healer, Communicating with the Disease Entity, Hypnotic Uncovering Technique, or Ego States Therapy to identify the Meaning of the Illness or Problem. When the Meaning and/or Belief is exposed, if it is irrational, the clients can then gain understanding and learning.
Some simple NLP skills, like Limiting Belief Elicitation can also be used during Pre-talk or in hypnotic state to uncover the underlying beliefs.
I also recommend the use of Mental Symbology to map the concept of clients' beliefs. This is of great leverage as it helps the clients to discover their operating concepts governing their beliefs.
We will talk about the last Element, Resultant, in our Part 6.
VI. Hypnosis: Hypnosis is about Changes Part 6 - Resultant
This is the Part 6, the final part of the article series of "Hypnosis is about Changes".
To recap what we had discussed in the last 5 parts:
Source > Beliefs > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors
This model reflects 5 locations we hypnotherapists can work on with our clients. This enhances our flexibility. But the picture is not yet completed. Here is the 6th element.
Source > Beliefs > Problems/Factors > Symptoms/Factors > Results
Clients come to you sometimes due to the Symptoms, and sometimes due to the Results. They might be asking for help on their red face when meeting the opposite sexes, or they might be requesting for help in their difficulties in having a boy/girl friend. The former is the Symptoms while the latter is the Results.
We can help the client to change the results without changing any of the previous 5 elements. He can still having red face when meeting girls, but he can be able to talk with them even with a red face.
When we can't do anything with all the 5 other elements due to whatever reasons, we can add/remove/change some other behaviour to achieve an alternative but improved result. We can do this by Hypnotic Suggestions, Inner Guidance, Inner Mediation or Ego States Therapy. The original problem still exists, but the client gets a better result. But it can be best done through Systemic Hypnotherapy. (to be discussed in our Master Hypnotherapist Program)
When I was dealing with very old-aged clients, or when the pain from the Source was too great for him/her to touch on his/her Source, Beliefs, Problems, or the Source and/or the Belief was too repressed that we can uncover nothing, I will just handle his/her Results.
This is the final part of this series, and I hope you can get a fuller picture on hypnotherapeutic intervention.
I plan to start another series on blind-spots. Hope you can find it useful too.
Utilitarian Philosophy
Many people asked me what I am teaching.
This is quite difficult to answer. I am teaching a whole lot of stuff, from NLP, Hypnotherapy, Coaching, Facilitation, Business Design, Persuasion, Mentalogy, Creativity, Systemic Thinking...
Then I must not be a specialist!
I never want to be a specialist, master and/or guru.
Some people asked me whether I am teaching psychology. I must clarify that I am not teaching psychology. I am NOT a psychologist. I never have any education in Psychology.
I am teaching something very fundamental. I am teaching "Philosophy"!
It is very difficult to define philosophy. But most can agree that this is about questioning and creating theories about the nature of reality.
I always think that I am teaching "Utilitarian Philosophy", something we can use in our daily lives to understand more about our "reality". The more we can understand, our thoughts and actions become more "real".
No matter what I am teaching, I am talking about questioning ourselves and others to create some practical theories about our daily "reality".
This is what I am teaching.
Many people asked me what I am teaching.
This is quite difficult to answer. I am teaching a whole lot of stuff, from NLP, Hypnotherapy, Coaching, Facilitation, Business Design, Persuasion, Mentalogy, Creativity, Systemic Thinking...
Then I must not be a specialist!
I never want to be a specialist, master and/or guru.
Some people asked me whether I am teaching psychology. I must clarify that I am not teaching psychology. I am NOT a psychologist. I never have any education in Psychology.
I am teaching something very fundamental. I am teaching "Philosophy"!
It is very difficult to define philosophy. But most can agree that this is about questioning and creating theories about the nature of reality.
I always think that I am teaching "Utilitarian Philosophy", something we can use in our daily lives to understand more about our "reality". The more we can understand, our thoughts and actions become more "real".
No matter what I am teaching, I am talking about questioning ourselves and others to create some practical theories about our daily "reality".
This is what I am teaching.
Hypnosis: The Law of Unanticipated Results
In yesterday's Certified Hypnotherapist Program, I mentioned the Law of Unanticipated Results to the class. I introduced this concept as a guideline for doing the Inner Mediation Process.
"You cannot assume that you know how events are going to roll out, what each party wants and needs, and how they react. Always expect the unexpected."
This applies equally well to all our SOBER (Transformative) Hypnotherapy Processes, i.e. Inner Regression, Inner Communication, and Inner Guidance.
If you don't assume, you will not lead and suggest subjectively (主觀引導暗示). This makes all the processes much safer and ecological.
The Law of Unanticipated Results is also great for coaching, too.
In yesterday's Certified Hypnotherapist Program, I mentioned the Law of Unanticipated Results to the class. I introduced this concept as a guideline for doing the Inner Mediation Process.
"You cannot assume that you know how events are going to roll out, what each party wants and needs, and how they react. Always expect the unexpected."
This applies equally well to all our SOBER (Transformative) Hypnotherapy Processes, i.e. Inner Regression, Inner Communication, and Inner Guidance.
If you don't assume, you will not lead and suggest subjectively (主觀引導暗示). This makes all the processes much safer and ecological.
The Law of Unanticipated Results is also great for coaching, too.
Learning from Life #91 - #95
Another 5 of my learning from life:
91. There is no second chance for your first impression.
92. There are more than 1 right answer!
93. It must be wrong that someone is totally wrong!
94. It must be also wrong that someone is always wrong!
95. Saying someone is wrong is easy. Find what's right in someone is much more difficult!
Another 5 of my learning from life:
91. There is no second chance for your first impression.
92. There are more than 1 right answer!
93. It must be wrong that someone is totally wrong!
94. It must be also wrong that someone is always wrong!
95. Saying someone is wrong is easy. Find what's right in someone is much more difficult!
Ideas & Solutions?
Why we can't get ideas?
Because we are thinking for solutions!
You have a problem. (If we don't have a problem, we do not need new ideas! Opportunities? Then you have either a problem of finding the opportunities or a problem of getting the opportunities, right?) Then, you want new ideas to solve the problem.
So, you are thinking for the solutions!
Solutions are something logical, practical, workable and useful. The only logical, practical, workable and useful solutions you can think of from nothing are those already existing. Then they are not new ideas!!!
Ideas, however, can be NOT logical, NOT practical, NOT workable, and NOT useful. But these ideas can induce discovery of new solutions!
To be creative, always start with ideas, lots of ideas. These lay down the ground for great solutions.
Creativity is generating new ideas!
Innovation is generating new solutions!
Creativity always comes before Innovation!
Why we can't get ideas?
Because we are thinking for solutions!
You have a problem. (If we don't have a problem, we do not need new ideas! Opportunities? Then you have either a problem of finding the opportunities or a problem of getting the opportunities, right?) Then, you want new ideas to solve the problem.
So, you are thinking for the solutions!
Solutions are something logical, practical, workable and useful. The only logical, practical, workable and useful solutions you can think of from nothing are those already existing. Then they are not new ideas!!!
Ideas, however, can be NOT logical, NOT practical, NOT workable, and NOT useful. But these ideas can induce discovery of new solutions!
To be creative, always start with ideas, lots of ideas. These lay down the ground for great solutions.
Creativity is generating new ideas!
Innovation is generating new solutions!
Creativity always comes before Innovation!
1,999 + 4,512 + 4,658 = 11,169
Today is the final part of the Think Tank Program - Think Tank 3.
We generated 4,658 ideas in 65 minutes by 62 persons!!!
We break the record again.
We created 1,999 ideas in Think Tank 1!
We generated 4,512 ideas in Think Tank 2!!
We produced 4,658 ideas in Think Tank 3!!!
A total of 11,169 ideas in around 3 hours! Don't you think that isn't wonderful?
My original target for these 3 sessions are 1,500 ideas. We are way ahead of our target!
I was not teaching creativity in these sessions. I just encouraged everyone to create during that 3 hours!
The Think Tank is really the gym for our brain. We directly use our brains to train our brains.
We need more ideas nowaday than any time in the past. So, I decide to do the Think Tank 4 & 5 in 2007.
If you want to be creative, join these free programs in 2007!
Today is the final part of the Think Tank Program - Think Tank 3.
We generated 4,658 ideas in 65 minutes by 62 persons!!!
We break the record again.
We created 1,999 ideas in Think Tank 1!
We generated 4,512 ideas in Think Tank 2!!
We produced 4,658 ideas in Think Tank 3!!!
A total of 11,169 ideas in around 3 hours! Don't you think that isn't wonderful?
My original target for these 3 sessions are 1,500 ideas. We are way ahead of our target!
I was not teaching creativity in these sessions. I just encouraged everyone to create during that 3 hours!
The Think Tank is really the gym for our brain. We directly use our brains to train our brains.
We need more ideas nowaday than any time in the past. So, I decide to do the Think Tank 4 & 5 in 2007.
If you want to be creative, join these free programs in 2007!
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