
Top 5 Tips: 如何在更短暫的時間完成更多?


1. 集結類似的活動:不要反覆地開始和停下來,而是你要集合差不多的工作一起地處理,例如一次過回覆所有來電等等。

2. 只用一本記事簿:不要使用超過一本記事簿,你將以混亂告終,只是一本,不要在你的辦公室中使用一本而在你家中使用另外一本,只使用一本記事簿,來記載你所有的任務和需辦的工作,我只使用我的電子手帳,而我每天也與我的電腦進行同步,確使它們吻合。

3. 創造私人時間:與你自己約會是一個十分有生產力的習慣,每天保留一小時完全與外界斷絕,一小時完全平靜的時間,你可以完成大量積存的工作,就告訴人家你在開會吧!

4. 定出2個最終期限:除了真的期限之外,另加一個假的最終期限,假的最終期限在真的一個前幾天,你將把更多緩衝加到你的任務和生活中。

5. 使用事務總表:把你的所有需辦事務放在一個總表中,為每項任務加上一個日期,這比你把不同的任務放在不同的表中節省你更多時間,你將更難去遺漏任何一項任務。

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Different Perspectives in Seeing Things


Today during the Career Coach Program, I told our participants that we can help our clients or others to see more by coaching them to look at the other perspectives.

But what is perspective?

Perspectives are the different sides of what you are looking at. To help others to see the other side, we must firstly be aware of what is their current perspective. We can then encourage them to see the other perspective by naming it.

Here are 6 very common perspectives in addition to the 18 others that I had mentioned in today's class:

1. Limited/Unlimited

2. Conservative/Progressive

3. Problems/Lessons to be Learned

4. Right or Wrong/Workable or Unworkable

5. Old/Newer

6. Surface Level/Deeper Level

Explore, Exceed & Excel


Top 5 Tips: 為自己充電


正如先前曾提及,我將陸續把過去的文章整理後刊登於本網頁中,首先整理的就是我的Top 5 Tips


Top 5 Tips: 為自己充電



1. 休息:沒有什麼東西比睡覺更能令你渙然一新,盡可能地睡得充足,我不相信我們會睡得過多,這根本無法在現代人中存在。

2. 飲水: 每天至少飲6 杯水,我們的新陳代謝需要用水來令我們的身体更正常運作,我知道這是每個人都瞭解的事實,但是你每天究竟飲多少水呢?

3. 運動:運動能夠減少壓力,無論什麼安全的運動也是好的,如果你沒有很多時間,15 分鐘的步行是很不錯的選擇。

4. 接近大自然:適度的緊張在生活中是可以是很有用的,太多的話就令人身心疲乏,如果我們城市人能夠多點到大自然中,那將會是既輕鬆又愉快的,考慮一下在周末到郊外或者午飯時到公園散散步吧。

5. 選擇:你可能不能奢侈地挑選你工作期間時做什麼,但是你絕對能在工作後有所選擇,你大可選擇你想見的人及你想做的事。

Keith To
Explore, Exceed & Excel

Personal Development: 我的前提假設 2004-2006


既然發佈了今年的前提假設, 不如也把過去三年的也一併登出, 公諸同好:


1. Things naturally go Bad. 事情自然轉壞

2. You can Choose to live in, below or above the Matrix. 你可以選擇活在思維矩陣之中, 之下, 或之上

3. Discovering, Destroying, and then Designing your life Again is the way to keep Alive. 發現、破壞、重新設計你的生命, 就是生存之道

4. Consciousness starts when you see Yourself being Unconscious. 意識顯化由發現自己並未清醒開始

5. When you see the Connections amongst Information, you get Ideas. 當你發現資料中的關聯,你找到意念


1. See this year as 2010. 今年就是2010年

2. Innovation is not enough, we Re-Generate. 創新不足令你生存的,請重生概念

3. There are Signs everywhere! 訊號四處皆是!

4. You are Logical and so you are Creative. 你理性,所以你創新

5. Development builds from Awareness. 發展源自醒覺

6. You are what you look like, even though you are not. 你就是你的樣子,就算你不是


1. Selfishness is great! 自私其實是好的!

2. Communication is a spectrum of Discovery & Influence. 溝通是一個發現/影響頻譜

3. Don't believe in your eyes and your mind. 不要相信你的眼睛和思想

4. Knowing is not Knowledge. 知道不是知識

5. Things/People can be Awesome or Awful. 人/事可以是好, 可以是壞

Explore, Exceed & Excel

My Point of View: 我的2007年前提假設



1. Be a Hub! 成為萬能集線器! 在今天複雜不斷變化的環境中,能集思轉化才能不斷適應創新,就好像一個萬能集線器,它既能從不同的來源收集資訊,更能加以轉化成為合乎自己及他人所需,再發揚出去!

2. Stay on Purpose. Not on Outcome! 留在目的,不在目標! 目標只是達成目的的過程;不知目標,不知何去何從;只知目標,不知目的,也許只是盲目追求!

3. Don't Trust your Eyes! 不要相信你的眼睛! 太多事情我們看不出我們看不出,就算親眼看到,也不一定就是事實,更不用說只是聽說未有看過的!

4. Transcends Boundaries! 超越邊界! 每個人都不自覺地自定邊界,什麼是我的範疇,什麼不是;不自我超越破界而出,空談改進發展,根本於事無補!

5. Signs are Everywhere! 訊號四處皆是! 前年已是我的前提假設,深感四處皆是訊號,自己看到的比未看到的遠遠的少,今年再提醒自己,不斷看清世界與及自己;任何事物,皆有外露徵狀,連徵狀也看不到,說什麼可得什麼發現!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Making "ideas & Thoughts of Keith To" into a Database of All My Works


In the beginning of this year, I decided to enrich the content of this website, www.keithto.ws. I want to put all my works, past, present and future into this blog so that everyone can read something about my ideas, thoughts, theories, concepts, "inventions", etc, if they want to.

My objective is to turn this website of "Ideas & Thoughts of Keith To" into a Database of Information. If you want information of NLP, Hypnosis, Coaching, Facilitation, Development, etc, you can find some here.

Apart from just adding information to this site, I am adding various search functions in order to make accessing the information easier.

1. We have already have the "Labels" function. You can see a "Label" tag at the end of each article. For example, you will find an "Announcement" Label at the end of this article. If you click the link, all the past postings of announcement will be displayed.

2. There is a "Categories" function at the right hand side of the web-page. When you click the category link, all related articles in our database will be listed. I am making use of the Google Search Engine to do it. It is not perfect yet. Some of our older postings can't be found. I will learn how to improve it later this year.

3. I will add a "Training Programs Listing" function later. You can find all related training of mine there. Furthermore, I will write new articles more frequently and I will also add most of my older writings to the database. One of them is all my "Top 5 Tips" that I had written in the past 4+ years.

I am absolutely not a computer expert, so I will do all these slowly in 2007! Really wish you will enjoy all of the information and get something out of them!

Explore, Exceed & Excel


NLP: Article Written Years Ago - The Chair of Success


This is my 7th re-published article on NLP that I have wriiten years ago.

The Chair of Success

What make you successful?

Some people can tell but most can't. If you even don't know what make you successful, will it be possible to be really successful?

Your subconscious mind always knows what can help you successful. The following skill can help you to discover what you already know. This skill will reflect what's inside your subconscious.

Sit down and imagine yourself sitting on a chair. Each leg of the chair is an element making you successful. How many legs are needed for you sitting stable enough for success? One, two, three, four or more. How many exactly?

Now focus on the first leg of your chair. What is it? It can be anything. Just believe in your intuition. What comes to your mind now? Then, go to the second leg and ask again. Then the third, fourth and so on.

After you complete all the legs, imagine yourself sitting on your seat of success. How do you feel? Do you need adding or deleting any legs? Do you want to change any of the legs? Do you really want any of the leg, or do you really want this chair?


When you are completely satisfy with your chair, sit there for a minute. These are the elements for your success. What can you do with these elements? What can be done to enhance these
further? Then, imagine the sense of success going all the way from the chair to your body. Fill up your body with this sense of success. Enjoy it.

Next time when you feel stuck, imagine sitting on your chair ofsuccess and choices will come through to you.

Keith's 2007 Remark:

1. This is a typical application of the NLP Skills of Collecting Resources and Anchoring.

2. You can use this skill for anything else. It can also be a chair of job promotion, a chair of a good father, a chair of impressive public speaking, etc.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Learning from Life #121 - #125


This is another edition of Learning from Life.

121. People expect something very different from what you think you can deliver. Forget about their expectation to live a happier life!

122. Too much work is not fun!

123. Too little, neither!

124. We need to build a boundary around us to protect ourselves. But make sure that it is large enough and make it flexible.

125. People disappoints you, and you disappoint others, too.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


NLP: NLP is about Thinking Part 9 - Why Modeling?


This is Section 2 of our article series, NLP is about Thinking.

Someone asked me recently why we model. So, I decided to write this article (just one article) as Section 2 of the series - Why Modeling?

The co-originators of NLP, Richard Bandler & John Grinder started to model the greatest therapists to identify their models of effective and efficient therapy during 70's. This was the birth of NLP. Years after years, Bandler, Grinder and many other NLP co-developers, trainers and practitioners continued to model. The co-originators even declared that NLP is Modeling rather than the thousands of NLP models as the results of the modeling process. Why?

Because this unique NLP Modeling Process can help people finding out the "how" of the great techniques of great performers of any kind! Then we and all others people can follow the steps of these great people to excellence. (If you want to know more about the uniqueness of the NLP Modeling Process, have a look at my other article, 4 Key Elements of NLP Modeling)

But why should we learn the Modeling Process? Why can't we just learn from the existing models?

There can be hundreds of good reasons to model, here are 8 to consider:

1. Modeling Someone's Excellence. When you come across someone performing great in something you want to learn, you can model them by yourself! You learn faster!

2. Modeling Organizations and Cultures. You can also understand better how other (or yours) organizations and cultures functioning. We can benchmark them to get their strategies and we can also get along with them easier.

3. Modeling Others' Failures. You don't need to fail first to become successful in something. We can always model others' failures. We are not good at learning from failures so we fail again and again. Why? Because we do not have a systematic and effective method to learn. Modeling can be one of the answers. Modeling failures can also help us to help others to improve themselves.

4. Modeling Problems. One thing is quite sure for yesterday, today and in the future - Problems always exist. Many even believe that we are employed to solve the problems for our employers. We, ourselves have problems, at home, in the workplace, etc. If we can know how a problem works, problem solving is much easier.

5. Modeling Opportunities. Interesting? Yes, we can model opportunities! It is frustrating not to get hold of opportunities and let them pass by us. One of the reasons is that we do not know how they look so we can't recognize them. Even we can manage not to miss them, we might not be able to utilize them because we do not know how they work. Modeling helps us to notice them and use them.

6. Modeling Others' Thinking. Then we can communicate and persuade them according to their way of thinking! The problem why we can't persuade is that we are doing that according to our own thinking, not theirs. When we are proficient at modeling, we can Simultaneously Model others and get simultaneous feedback at the same time. Speed is everything, when persuading!

7. Modeling from History, Books and any other form of Information. Even we can't meet someone in person (we don't know them or they had already passed-away), we can still model them. It opens up a vast pool (or sea!) of knowledge to us! Learning from information is always difficult since we tend to analyze or memorize, rather than seeing how something happened.

8. Modeling Yourself. The last but not the least, modeling oneself is most important! We are aware of the importance of Self-Awareness, but we might not be aware of how to get it! We can model ourselves! We model our own successes, failures, problems, thinking and our history! We can then duplicate our achievements. We can stop repeating our problems and failures. We can adjust our own insane thinking. We understanding more about the most important person in the world - Yourself!

Learn Modeling and teach them to all others around you. Today, we are facing Information-Overflow, but we are always Knowledge-Deficient. Knowledge is the Understood and Usable Information. What can make it understood and what can make it usable? Modeling!

When more people are doing Modeling, we are adding knowledge to our world. This is my wish and this is my goal!

See you all again in Section 3 of the articles series.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

NLP: Article Written Years Ago - Dissociation for Awareness


This is my 6th re-published article on NLP that I have wriiten years ago.

Dissociation for Awareness

This is a story about a prisoner.

The prisoner was so unhappy after sending to the prison that he refused to go out of his cell. Later he was too depressed and becoming very sick. He was forced out of his cell to the clinic.

On the way, he discovered the prison was surrounded by mountains. The sky is so blue and the mountain is so green. He wondered why he never aware of such beauties.

His life changed dramatically. He was still a prisoner, but he took a totally different attitude. He studied hard for not just one, but three college degrees, the bachelor, master and doctor within
his 10 years of imprisonment. He is now a very successful therapist helping lots of people day after day.

Let me explain a bit further. The cell is your mind. If you lock yourself inside your own cell, you can see nothing but the walls of your own prison. You can't see above, below and around yourself. You can aware of nothing, opportunities and threats.

Until you open the door (your mind?) and walk out of your cell, you then can have a complete view.

In NLP, we use dissociation to gain that awareness. When you are associated, you see from your own eyes, hear from your own ears. You can easily feel stuck. You lock yourself inside your own prison. By dissociation, you detach yourself from your body and see things in a much larger view.

When you feel yourself mentally stuck, do something different physically. We believe our mind and body are inter-linked. Shake your head and look around. Notice where you are. Notice every details in the room, on the desk, outside the windows, etc. You gradually drift yourself to the dissociated state where awareness appears.

When you are stuck with yourself or others, stand back and observe yourself and others. By doing this, you physically and mentally detach yourself.

Of course, if you find something interest or exciting, do associate with it and enjoy. It is really sad to detach from happiness while associate with frustration and disappointment.

(Keith 2007's Remark: Excel might be coming from "Ex" & "Cell", "Ex" = "out of")







直到你打開門(你的頭腦?),離開你的牢房,你才可以看到一幅完整的景象。在 NLP 中,我們使用抽離(Dissociation)來獲取這種覺察,當你在聯繫(Association)時,你從你自己的眼睛看事物,你從你的耳朵聽東西,你很容易就被膠著,動彈不得,你把自己鎖在自己的思想監獄裡面。通過抽離,你好像從自己的身體分離出去,以一個更大的角度看待事物。



Keith To
Explore, Exceed & Excel


Mental Symbology Level 2 Workshop: Full!


We are going to do the advanced version of the Mental Symbology Program, the Level 2 Workshop next weekend.

It is fully booked and thanks all for your support!

You can go here to get some of the MP3 recordings of our Level 1 Workshop so that you can learn some ideas about how to use Symbology to help yourself and others.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


Coaching: Coaching is about Discovery Part 1 - Discovering What?


I am starting another articles series - Coaching is about Discovering. Although I am still working on another series (NLP is about Thinking), I just can't stop myself to start something new. (Might be I need some coaching?!)

This is Part 1 of the series. I am really not sure about when will Part 2 be available. It might be months later.

Back to 2001 when I start teaching Coaching, I told the participants that "Coaching" would become a buzz word in a few years' time (at that time, most of the people in business field of Hong Kong still haven't heard of the term). I also told them that with more people knowing about Coaching, there would be more and more misunderstandings. Both happened!

What is Coaching?

If you ask someone about Coaching, they will tell you different stories. Many people think that Coaching is like Training, Counselling, Persuading, Therapy, Advising, etc. If Coaching is about the above, then why gives her another name?!

No, Coaching is nothing about the above. It is something totally different. Coaching is about Discovery!

Coaching helps others by facilitating their discovery. The more they can discover, the higher their awareness.

But discovering what?

There are 3 levels of discovery.

1. Discovering about their Thinking about Themselves, their situations, their goals, their problems, their opportunities, their strength, their threats, their limitations, etc. These are what they think, their Perceptions!

2. Discovering about Themselves, their situations, their goals, their problems, their opportunities, their strength, their threats, their limitations, etc. These are what really are, the Reality!

3. Discovering what they don't know they don't know about Themselves. These are their Blindspots. The above 2 levels are something they don't know. When they know about it, they improve! But at this 3rd level, they are going to discover something they don't know they don't know! These are stuff that are totally out of their awareness. They just don't know their existence. When they know about it, they develop!

Is Coaching better?

No. Coaching is NOT more superior than all other helping skills. It is just different. Not everyone can be benefited from Coaching. Coaching is only for those who are willing to discover by themselves. Not every moment is suitable for Coaching. Coaching is appropriate only when time is available for a rather slow process of discovery.

Then why Coaching?

There is 2 distinctive advantages.

1. Acceptance. When people find out stuff by themselves, they are more readily to accept it. There needs no persuasion, which might be required in other forms of helping.

2. No Misleading. We do not direct or lead our clients when coaching. So, there is much less dangers of misleading others to wrong and unrealistic conclusions.

Coaching might result in Improvement and/or Development. Then, what is Improvement and Development? Let's discuss in Part 2 of the series.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


Learning from Life: #116 - #120


This is another set of my learning from life:

116. Things change, people come & go, appreciate what you have.

117. Respect and then you attract.

118. There are roads of most resistance and there are also roads of least resistance.

119. Worry does not help and it harms, too!

120. If you bring joys, you are more accepted.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

NLP: Article Written Years Ago - How to Achieve Your Goals?


This is the 5th re-published article on NLP that I have written years ago.

How to Achieve Your Goals?

Millions of people had talked about setting and achieving goals. But still millions of people can't succeed.


One of the reasons is we always wrongly educate our sub-conscious mind.

I had once seen a lady who wish to loss weight by pasting a picture of a really fat woman on the door of her fridge. According to her, the picture is used to remind her not to over-eat or else she will become as fat as the one in the picture.

What is the result?

She gained weight 20 pound after 2 months.

Again, why?

That picture really does the work well. It serves as a reminder to her sub-conscious mind to make her becoming just like the woman in the picture.

Our sub-conscious mind is just like a gigantic baby. He is powerful and straightforward. He will perform anything if you keep on telling him to do so.

So set up a positive goal. If you want to achieve something, put a picture of what you want in front of you. Then you are educating your sub-conscious towards your goals.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


NLP: Article Written Years Ago - Eyes of the Tiger


This is the 4th re-published article on NLP that I have written years ago.

Eyes of the Tiger

Remember the movie Rocky V. The original sound track is called the Eyes of The Tiger. I was really impressed by the movie that I had watched it for 5 times.

When Rocky could not wear the eyes of the tiger facing his challenger, he lost. He was frightened by the much stronger enemy. Finally, when the eyes of the tiger was in him, all the confidence, power and energy were triggered off and he won the game.

In NLP, we are talking about how to shift ourselves from one state to another state. For example, from a state of shyness to a state of confidence, from frighten to brave, from confusion to clarity, etc. NLP actually is the science of State Management.

But how can we achieve the effective shifting? For NLP Practitioners, we will use all those tools like Resources, Anchoring, Swish pattern, etc. However, I seldom use all these because I have another much easier and effective way, which I call the Eyes of the Tiger. I invented this well before I learned NLP. This was more than 20 years ago when I watched my fifth time the Rocky V.

When you need confidence, power and energy, wear the Eyes of the Tiger, just as Rocky did. Imagine yourself being a tiger, a strong tiger. You see the environment through these eyes of the tiger. How does a tiger's eye look? Do as what the tiger's eye looks. Within seconds, you are filled up with all those confidence, power and energy you need.

As we Chinese says, eyes are the windows of our souls. It affects the inside of us, but it even affects others, too. Many people judge another by looking at their eyes. You can pretend to be confident. You can look confident, but your eyes can betray you. This is the weakest part of our body, physically and mentally. But when you can wear the "set" of eyes you need, you gain the resources you want from inside out.

If you want to be quick in response, wear the eyes of a leopard.

If you want to be observant, wear the eyes of an eagle.

If you want to be persistent, wear the eyes of a camel

Just have your own sets of eyes ready, and you can access any of the Human Resources at any time.

(Keith's Remark in 2007: This is an application of the Content-Less High Performance State. We put ourselves in a Generalized 2nd Position of something having the resources we want.)

Explore, Exceed & Excel

NLP: NLP is about Thinking Part 8 - Language


This is Part 8 of our series of NLP is about Thinking and this is also the last part of our Section 1 - The Map is not the Territory of our article series.

The Map is not the Territory. Our Internal Reality is not exactly the External Reality. Einstein had once said that we could never know the true reality. he is absolutely right as we always delete, distort and/or generalize our outside world.

In our last 4 parts, we have already discussed the first 4 Factors which make "The Map is not the Territory". Today, we will proceed to the last factor, Language.

How does language creates the discrepancies between our map and the territory?

1. Language Has Limitations. Language is used to represent and communicate what we perceive & think. However, the information of what we perceive and think is in form of Sensory Data, i.e what we see, hear, feel, smell and taste. Language itself has limitations. Language might not be accurately used to represent and communicate them fully and exactly. This creates the discrepancies.

2. People Chooses Different Words. When we communicate, different people use different words to represent the same experience due to the difference of their filters. Even we hear the same words from someone, different people will have a different map about what he is talking about and it is quite sure that all these maps are not the same as the map of the speaker.

3. Words Used Imply Meanings to the Experience. As mentioned above, different people use different words to represent the same experience. Once the words are chosen, the experience is then influenced and limited by those words. He is not just him any more, he become a "bad guy" if we choose such words to describe him.

To reduce such discrepancies, we can

1. Become Multi-Lingual. Each language has her own limitations. The more languages that we can use to represent and communicate our experience, the less discrepancy will be created.

2. Be Good at Language. My primary teacher had once told me that if someone was good at language, he/she could be good at anything if he/she chose to learn it. She was right. If we can have more vocabularies to describe our perceptions and thinking, we can choose the more appropraite words.

3. Extend the Duration of Observation before we start to choose words to describe it. We form the First Access (FA) or the initial perception when we perceive something. The process is so fast that we tend to miss important information. Intentionally extending the duration allows us picking up as much information as possible. There is a paradox here. If we get more information, it becomes even more difficult to choose the right words to represent it.

4. Use Multiple Descriptions for the same experience. One single word or phrase might not be able to represent the experience close enough. We can use several different descriptions in our thinking and communication. This also promotes the use of different frames and perceptual positions, both for yourself and for the people you are communicating with.

5. Apply Meta-Model if Appropriate. In NLP, the Deep Structure is all the sensory information of the experience while the Surface Structure is the language we used to represent all those information in the Deep Structure. To communicate efficiently, the Surface Structure is a much deleted, distorted and generalized version of the Deep Structure. It is efficient but might not be effective. It can cause misunderstandings. Meta-Model is a special kind of language pattern use to reveal the Deep Structure during communication. You can find it in most of those good NLP books or we will discuss them in our NLP Practitioner Program.

Our maps are just the deleted, distorted, and generalized Perceptions and Linguistic Representations of the outside world. They are never the outside world.

This concludes our Section 1 of the article series. Starting next posting, we will continue to Section 2 - the NLP Modeling Process.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


NLP: NLP is about Thinking Part 7 - Filters


This is Part 7 of our series of NLP is about Thinking.

I am speeding up myself in writing so as to at least finish the first major section of this articles series before the start of the NLP Practitioner Program this year.

We are continuing to discuss the 5 Factors that make "Our Maps are not the Territory". Filters is the 3rd factor. Filter is the single most core concepts of NLP. You can say that all other 4 factors are Filters-related.

The Physical Barriers, Missing Perspectives, Time and Language Factors create the discrepancies between our Map (Internal Reality) and the Territory (External Reality) and at the same time they add and/or alter the related Filters, which continue to generate the discrepancies in a long run, with or without those original factors existing.

For example, you saw one of your friends not caring your feelings as he was shouting loudly to you when you had make a mistake. However this might not be the reality as it is his habit to talk loudly when he is worrying. This is a typical Physical Barriers example. However, this individual incident might not affect your perception just once. It might also create a Belief (one of the Filters) of "He is not a caring person". This belief affects how you perceive and interact with your friend in the future.

We formed most of our Filters during our grown-up. During our earlier years of our lives, we do not have many filters. So, it is too easy for us to take in so many filters from people and situations around us, your parents, brothers and sisters, relatives, teachers, classmates, church, your school life, TV programs, etc. As we grow up, it becomes more difficult to add and alter filters as our existing filters "filter" off most of them.

There are basically 3 types of Filters: Value, Belief & Rule.

1. Values are what you think that are important. They are the qualities that are intrinsically desirable to us. When our values being met, we feel satisfied and harmonious. Our values influence the goals and choices that we make. Our values direct our Perceptions and thus our actions. If someone values "stability", he/she will constantly evaluate a situation whether it causes stability or instability.

2. Beliefs are what you think that are real. This guides our Meaning-Making System. It gives meaning to what is perceived. One can find something interesting, but another one can perceive it as annoying. Thus it affects our Reactions and Expectations.

3. Rules are what you think that are right or wrong. Rules connect some of our values to our actions. If we think something is important, we will non-consciously set some rules to make the value being valued by us and by others. Our rules make our actions and behaviours consistent, but they might also limit us to change or choosing other options of action.

All our Filters (Beliefs, Values & Rules) are just what we think. It can be real or far from reality.

Our filters can be conscious or non-conscious to us. Most of our filters are non-conscious. We do not know their existence but they affect us. So discovering your filters are one of the most important kinds of Self-Awareness.

Our Filters create discrepancies between our maps and the reality through 3 fundamental mechanisms, Deletion, Distortion and Generalization.

1. Deletion is the process of we selectively focus on part(s) of the experience and excluding others. The world is too complicated. Deletion reduces the world to make us capable of handling.

We might delete part of the outside information Content, e.g. we focus only on someone's out of style dressing, while ignoring what he is talking. We might also delete part of the Context, e.g. we focus only on someone's tone of speech. Furthermore, we can even delete most of the Outside World, e.g. you sink into your inside world to think of something important while forgetting everything outside.

We usually delete something we think which is not important to us (i.e. Non-Values), or which is not real (i.e. Non-Belief), or which is right or wrong (i.e. Rule & Non-Rule).

2. Distortion is the process of shifting our experience of outside world's information. It alters the information so as to match our original Preconceptions and/or Perceptions. For example, when one of your staff is late to work, you immediately think that he is lazy without asking for when happened to him.

We use Filters to distort the Outside World to fit our Filters. Great arts and breakthrough in science can be resulted from a distortion from the present reality of the world.

3. Generalization is the process of detaching one element of the experience and taking that element representing the whole category of which the experience is an example. Through generalization, we draw global conclusions based on one, two or more experiences.

Generalization can be Useful or Limiting. We can generalize that rejecting an opinion from our superior is not polite. This makes you having good relationship with your superiors, but it can also limit your performance if the opinion is not appropriate.

Generalization is also Context-Related. The above generalization can be very suitable in Chinese culture, but might not be useful in other countries.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

NLP: Article Written Years Ago - The Prosperity Swish


This is the 3rd re-published article on NLP that I have written years ago.

The Prosperity Swish

Do you want to prosper and be wealthy?

I think most of you will say "Yes", but how many of you are really prosper and wealthy. Don't tell me that you are wealthy at heart.

I am talking about the actual wealth, that's money.

Many people just don't give themselves the permission to prosper. This is one of the most common reason for so many people can't be as wealthy as they wish.

Think about what success and prosperity mean to you. How do you think about successful people? Do you believe successful people are rotten or bad? If you have a negative belief about
success, prosperity or wealth, you are just stopping yourself from getting the wealth coming to you.

Yes, wealth really automatically comes to whom who welcome it. According to statistics, if we evenly divide the world's money to everyone in the world, all of us get million of dollars.

Give yourself permission to prosper!

If you are the one who wants more wealth but can't, try the simple skill below. I promise that you will see the result very fast, might be days or weeks. But if you are the one who can get
what you want, don't do it. It will simply reverse the effect.

Visualize yourself becoming really wealthy. Observe in great details all the sub-modalities of your picture. That is, how large is your picture? Where is its location? How bright is it? How
clear is it? Is it black and white or in color? Is it close to you or far away? Is it a still picture or like a movie? Is the movement fast, slow or normal?

Then reverse all the sub-modalities of this original picture. Enlarge the picture if it is small, or vice versa. If it is located at lower than eye level, pull it up. If it is dim, brighten it. If it is B &
W, change it into color, etc, etc.

Continue to visualize this new picture and remember every details of this new picture. This is your Picture of Prosperity. While you are visualizing this new picture, draw whatever
comes to your mind, whether it is a symbol, a word, or a picture onto a paper.

Thinking of both your picture in your mind and the picture on the paper at the same time. Try it, you can do it.

Put this picture onto the place where you can see everyday.

Every night, before you go to sleep, take a look at this picture and visualize your Picture of Prosperity. 5 minutes a day is OK.

Be prepared to see the result's coming.

Remember, give yourself permission to prosper!

(Of course, if what you want is not prosperity, you can still use this techique by just replacing with the picture of what you want! Might be a slim body or a family of great harmony.)

Explore, Exceed & Excel


NLP: NLP is about Thinking Part 6 - Time


This is Part 6 of our series of NLP is about Thinking.

There are 5 factors making "Our Maps are not the Territory". Time is the 3rd factor.

There are some "old" maps inside our minds formed years ago. They can be valid at the time of their formation, but can be "outdated" at the present moment. However, we can still non-consciously use these maps in our lives.

Our maps are Static in nature. They are the snapshots of what we perceived at the moments of our perception. Unless we consciously update our maps, most of them will remain as they are forever.

Our maps can also be Passively Dynamic. They change as time goes by. They change not because of our intentional effort and will but they are updated automatically. How does this happen?

When something happens in our lives and the results do not match our original maps, we feel uneasy. For example, you believe that all bosses are bad, but now your boss is treating you really good. 2 things can happen:

1. Changing Filter. Your filter (in this case, your belief of "all bosses are bad") might be adjusted to "some bosses are bad". You feel more comfortable as your map is now matching the territory you perceived.

2. Distortion, Deletion, Generalization. Your filter does not change. You perceive the good acts of your boss is a kind of manipulation to make you working harder for him! You can then feel comfortable as your perceived territory matches your map. Our filters work for us to make us felling comfortable by distorting, deleting and/or generalizing the external reality.

If our maps are either Static or Passively Dynamic, we must Intentionally Update our maps or our Internal Reality is too far away from the External Reality. Then, we perceive, think, and act unrealistically. It is just like operating a 64-Bits Pentium PC with an age-old Windows 3.0 Operating System. We can't function at our best.

We can Intentionally Update our maps by Verifying and Backtracking our filters. This is a life-long process as we are continuous adding new filters to our minds. Our brain is already the best CPU in the world. It is already fastest and it is estimated to work at 10 Quadrillions/Second. It is faster than the fastest computer by 141 times.

We do not need to upgrade our brain, but we need to upgrade our Operating System.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

NLP: Article Written Years Ago - Who's Driving the Bus? 誰在駕駛巴士?


This is my second re-published article on NLP that I have wriiten years ago.

Who's Driving the Bus?

Dr, Richard Bandler, the founder of NLP, once said "Who's driving the bus?" Or it might be better said as "Who's driving your bus?"

Your brain is like a machine without an "off" switch. If you don't give it something to do, it just do something else. It might not be your will. Or it might be against your will. According to Dr.
Bandler, most people are prisoners of their own brain. They are like sitting in the last seat of their own bus and someone else is driving. You do not know where he is taking you.

So, you must start to drive your own bus. At least start with deciding where you want to go. Everyday in the morning, think of what you want to accomplish that day. Keep on thinking about this image until you feel as if you had already accomplished it.

It usually takes about 1 to 2 minutes. Start your day like this so as to take your own driver's seat.

If you are not driving your own bus, who's driving?



Richard Bandler博士, NLP 的創始者之一,曾經說過:「誰在駕駛巴士?」,或者說:「誰的駕駛你的巴士?」可能更合適。


根據Richard Bandler博士,大多數人是他們的自己的大腦的「囚犯」,他們坐在他們自己的巴士最後排的座位,任由他人來駕駛他的巴士,你卻不知道他在帶他走向那裡。


這通常只花大約 1 到 2 分鐘,每日以這樣開始來取回你的駕駛座。


Explore, Exceed & Excel

NLP: Article Written Years Ago - The Super Stupid NAC


Years ago, I wrote an articles series on some simple NLP Skills. I don't think I can write these again, as I had already shifted my focus from NLP Skills to the NLP Modeling Process itself.

These skills are simple, but effective. I am going to re-publish these articles in the coming posts. Here is my first one: The Super Stupid NAC.

NAC is a very powerful tool invented by Anthony Robbins. It stands for Neuro Associative Conditioning. Actually it is a combination of another 2 powerful NLP skills, Anchor and
Toward & Away From Profile.

The basic concept of NAC is simple. What motivate you to do something is either you love the result of doing it (Toward the Target Profile) or you hate the result of not doing it (Away From
Profile). Then we relate the good results to the doing of the job and relate the bad results to not doing the job. In NLP terms, we "anchor" the feelings to doing and not doing.

When I designed a new workshop called the Subconscious Body Reshaping recently, I designed a simplified, rather stupid, but very effective version of NAC. You will be surprise how
simple the procedure is.

Write down 10 results you don't like if you do not take the action you want to. Then write down 10 results you like if you really take the action.

Then everyday, for 21 days, write down the following on a piece of blank paper.

I don't want to not doing XXX because I don't want to …… (write down your first set of the 10 results)

I want to do XXX because I want to …… (write down your second set of the 10 results)

That's it.

It is simple and stupid, isn't it? Yes and it works every time I do it. The key point is that you must commit yourself to do it for consecutive 21 days and watch for the result coming.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


NLP: 我對於框架(Frames), 換框(Reframing)及濾網(Filters)的看法


以下是我們的一位NLP同學大姨仔(Alexander Ng)電郵給我的觀點, 甚有意思, 經他同意我稍作修改及刊登, 收錄如下:

我對於框架(Frames), 換框(Reframing)及濾網(Filters)的看法:

框架(Frame)係接收資訊的方法。接收資訊的方法由多種元素組成,包括框架(Frame)、感官表象系統 (V, A, K, O...)、Perceptual Positions (1st, 2nd, 3rd...)、Logical Levels (E, B, C...)、聯系/抽離、及不能盡錄的其他組件。

這些組件會構成不同的觀點Points of View (例: V+1st+B+Asso, K+2nd+C+Asso...), 人們會對不同的事不同的人用不同的觀點去接收資訊。每個人都有自己的框架儲備,有些人可能有很多框架,有些人可能只有一個框架。濾網(Filters)為我們建立框架並安排我們在什麼時候用什麼組件共並以什麼框架來觀察及思維。

換框(Reframing)係指給人對某一部分現實的另一個看法。意義及情景換框法係運作於當時人的內容層面以上,當他說出A=B係唔好時, 我們講出A可能等於C或A=B在某情況下係好。


我之前同過你分享過一個睇法: 其實NLP有好多都好似做緊換框Reframing。不過係Work on Context 多個Work on Content。例: 當件事唔關你事,你會點諗? (3rd Position + Dissociation)。我們在提供一個新框給當時人接收資訊,即是換框Reframing。

甚至我們在Mind-Set Breakthrough 所學到重整Filters的方法,其實目的都是Reframing。假設我們加一個好信念: 沒有失敗只有回饋,我們就同時得到了回饋框,自然接收到先前收唔到的資訊。

以上是我綜合一年課堂及不斷思考到目前為止的睇法,與你睇法一致嗎? (Keith: 贊成!)

Keith To另註:

1. NLP講的是『輸入的改變』(輸入的方法How), 帶出『輸入的再改變』(輸入的資料What), 再帶出『輸入的再再改變』(看法Perception/First Access), 繼而帶出『輸出的改變』(想法Linguistic Representation), 再帶出『輸出的再改變』(做法), 從而得到不同的『結果』; 『輸入的改變』就是換框換位換狀態


2. 當然, 很多時第一個想法出來時, 我們不會即時有所做法(如有的話就可能是反應太快了!), 第一個想法會變成輸入(What), 再次反覆變成另一個想法及更多想法, 直至得出做法為止; 但不少人卻會在上述循環中週而復始, 永遠沒有行動!



3. Filters當然就是存在於「輸入的資料→看法」及「看法→想法」的『』處, 這些Filters也當然影響我們採用什麼輸入的方法(框、位、狀態)。

................................ .....

4. 更複雜的是狀態又互相影響, 例如你如果能從另一位置看某事, 你可能會因此而改用了另一個框架來看, 繼而帶出另一種狀態(這叫Change of Perceptual Positions, Strategy of Creativity等等); 你也可以以不同的狀態來看事情, 你便不自覺地選擇了不同的位置, 以及不同的框架來看 (等於NLP中的Anchoring, Dissociation, Circle of Excellence等等); 當然你更可以一開始就選用不同的框架來看, 繼而帶出不同種位置狀態(等於NLP中的換框, Meta-Model, Milton Model, Change of Submodalities等等)。

5. 更更複雜的是(如果大家仍有興趣聽下去的話), 我們的看法想法均會影響我們的狀態, 從而影響我們的輸入的方法, 再週而復始(萬劫不復?!)。

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大姨仔, 真的十分感謝你的『輸入』!

Explore, Exceed & Excel