
Concepts 101 Part 5: Minimalism


Minimalism describes movements in various forms of art, where the work is stripped down to its most fundamental features. The design is reduced to the only necessary elements.

I like to apply Minimalism to all of my works, particularly hypnotherapy and coaching. Only necessary elements are retained, all others are stripped down!

The world is already too complicated. If you want to work faster, easier but effectively, Minimalism might provide the solution.

Here are how I apply Minimalism in hypnotherapy and coaching:

1. Minimal Words. I deleted all unnecessary words. I use those proven-to-be-effective words again and again. This makes it easier for me and for the clients. They do not need to understand so many complex words and instructions. Artful using of very basic choices of words can be as effective.

2. Minimal Steps. I deleted all unnecessary steps. Many steps are just decoration or stuffing without any function. This results in briefer process and faster outcomes.

3. Minimal Interventions. I do not intervene because I want to intervene. I only do the necessary interventions. It will be less misleading and less works for me and for the clients.

4. Minimal Interpretations. I do not interpret what the clients said. I do not paraphrase. These just hinder the discovery process of the clients.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


Concepts 101 Part 4: Over-Responding


This is Part 4 of our Concepts 101 Series.

When something wrong happened, I get used to Over-Respond. Don't misunderstand me, I am not talking about Over-Reacting. Responding is actions after thinking through while Reacting is animal-like reflex action.

Over-Responding is doing more than what you think is needed. This ensures things are being properly handled. There can be a waste of time & effort in Over-Responding. However, people might expect more or differently from you. We can also under-estimate the effects of what had happened. Over-Responding lowers such risk.

When something bad happened, we want to reduce the adverse effects and to prevent them in the future. Under-Responding and/or Over-Reacting make the above impossible. It is too difficult to strike the right-balanced response. It is usually either Over or Under. You will be better off to be over.

Over-Responding is not contradictory to my another concepts, Minimalism. I will talk about that in more depth in Part 5 of our series.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


Hypnosis: Subtle Leading Suggestions


We do not use leading suggestions in hypnotherapy to prevent potential dangers. If you want more information about Leading Suggestions, go here for another article.

There are some leading suggestions, which are very subtle. You even are not aware of them when you use them.

For example: When the clients in waking or hypnotic state telling you that "I am tired" and "I do not want to do my job". If you paraphrase it as "You are tired and so you do not want to do your job", then this becomes leading.

The word "so" creates a relationship between the 2 pieces of information. Such relationship is not mentioned by the client though the 2 pieces of information are. You are leading him/her into believing in something he/she might not believe before.

This can create complication which might make the process difficult or create side effects you never expected.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


Hypnosis: 行銷暗藏催眠術

轉載: 明報
日期: 2005年11月15日
文: 薛偉傑


引導受眾分析 直達潛意識












「所以,被公認為催眠語法大師的Milton Erickson自己也說﹕『千萬不要下決定,直至你完全明白(對方的說話)為止。』」陶兆輝說。

Personal Development: Seniorology


Why someone can be in senior position? There must be reasons.

Many years ago, I modelled many people in very senior positions in organizations. I discovered 10 essential elements. I talked about 5 of them in today's Systemic Business Explorer Program.

Here are the first 5 Elements of Seniorology:

1. Using Concepts. Not just focusing on Procedures and Methods. Understanding concepts of business creates your own flexibility.

2. Dare to Face the Void. No one is going to tell you what to do up there. You need to find it.

3. Seeing More. Willing and eager to see more.

4. Capability of either to Stabilize, Protect, Attack or Care. If you have none, who needs you? If you have all, congratuation!

5. Using Others' Intelligence. Not just their physical efforts.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Hypnosis: 3 Elements of Effective Hypnotic Suggestions


Hypnosis is about bringing about changes. Effective suggestions is one of the keys in bringing out the changes clients want.

To formulate effective suggestions, we must first understand why we do not change, even we know that the change is good to us. We want to quit this and that, we want to lose some weight, we want to speak in front of people, we want more confidence, we want to get better. All these are great things, but why we do not change? There can be 3 major reasons:

1. We do not know what to change!
2. We do not know why change!
3. We do not know how to change!

The first one is our goal or target. The second is our motivation and the third is the method. If we do not know either (or all) of these, we will not change.

Effective suggestion caters for all three's.

1. The Goal makes up the first part of the Main Suggestion (主要暗示).
2. The Motivation is the second part of the Main Suggestion (主要暗示).
3. The Methods are all of the Supporting Suggestions (支持暗示).

For example:

Main Suggestion (主要暗示): 你會係眾人面前輕鬆咁講野, 因為你可以更受歡迎.
Supporting Suggestions (支持暗示):
時間: 當你開會的時候, 你只要稍一定神, 你就能夠講到你想的說話.
人物: 當你面對好多人個時, 你能夠保持鎮定.
地點: 當你踏入會議室時, 你發現自己全身都充滿信心.
特質: 你逐漸成為一個相信自己能夠做到的人.
特質: 你知道自己好瞭解有關自己的工作的知識.

Hoping this can help you understanding more about Effective Hypnotic Suggestions.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


Top 5 Tips: 我的職業秘訣:如何在裁員期間保護你自己



1. 增加你的可見度,自願出任一些能顯示你的才能的工作,你可以通過加入各種委員會或者加入一些特別的工作項目。

2. 留意謠言,但不要與人討論你的見解。

3. 支持你的上司,幫助他去控制支出,及宣傳你的部門及他的優異成績。

4. 最大化你的聯系來擴展你的人際網絡:令公司的秘書們和人力資源部門同事成為你的『朋友』。

5. 設定你自己的生產力指標並超過它們,知會你的老板你的目標和給你自己完成它們的最終期限。

Article Wriiten in: 2003

Explore. Exceed & Excel

How to Listen?


No matter we are doing coaching, hypnotherapy, facilitation, managing or helping others, we need to listen.

There are so many books written on how to listen. There are so many listening skills out there. But do we need any of these skills?

The only way to listen is - Just Listen! Do nothing else, just listen to others. Then you can listen to far lots more information!

In listening, we are doing so many things like judging (what others said), planning (what to say next) and/or wondering around (where to lunch after listening to this boring guy), we are just not really listening.

Listening do not need any technique. Listening skills are B.S.. We have 2 ears and we are already given all the power of listening. It is just about whether we are listening or not!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Our 2nd Years' Birthday


I started to write blog in July 2005. We are 2 years' old now!

In the past 2 years, I have written 295 articles. I am planning to write even more articles to share my ideas with you all in the coming future.

Explore, Exceed & Excel


Learning from Life #131 - #135


This is another edition of Learning from Life.

131. Sometimes we have to accept what is, is!

132. Everybody has wisdom.

133. The more you want to do, the less get done!

134. Some people will take advantage of you, but most will not.

135. Sometimes your greatest strength and your biggest weakness can be the same thing!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Top 5 Tips: Top 5 Guiding Principles to Live my Life


Some people live a easier life than others. One of the reasons is that they have clear guiding principles for themselves. These guiding principles help them to decide and to choose easier and faster. Here are my top 5 guiding principles to live my life. I wish these can inspire you to design your own.

1. I do my best at all time, even though the results are not best.

2. Build reserve of anything that might be useful in the future.

3. Use the best words I can whenever I speak or write.

4. Choose the path of least resistance.

5. Don't wait for the future. Perfect the present.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Top 5 Tips: Top 5 Ways to Become More Humorous


Humor dilutes any difficulty with people. Humor also lubricates relationships and communication. Being humorous, even during hard times, indirectly shows others that you are in control. But it seems to be very difficult to be humorous. Here are my top 5 ways to become more humorous:

1. Don't be Funny. Being funny and being humorous is very different. It will be funny enough if you try to be funny!

2. Look Around Outside. There are lots of humorous things right outside. Promise yourself to discover at least one thing humorous everyday. You are sharpening your eyes for humors and you will then become humorous.

3. Create Crazy Reasons for Things Happening. There must be a reason behind everything. But I don't want that "right" answer. Think of something mad!

4. Play with Your Pains. Pains make us suffering if you resist them and decided not to play with them. Have fun with your pains.

5. Laugh at Yourself. If you are confident enough, you are able to laugh at yourself without hurting. People get used to be laughed at but seldom seeing people laughing at oneself.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Top 5 Tips: Top 5 Ways to Learn Faster in Class


Everyone needs to learn. Attending classes, especially good classes are shortcuts to learning. Good teachers and trainers share their knowledge they gained through years of experience.
You simply obtain them in hours.

Great teaching doesn't mean great learning. Teaching is their job and learning is yours. We need to learn to learn. Here are my top 5 ways to learn most in class:

1. Set Learning Objective. Tell yourself your objectives of attending a class before even enrolling. What you want from the course? What can be different after you gain the knowledge?

2. Ask Questions. Ask questions to clarify. Ask questions to understand. But not asking a question to show off your knowledge. Even you successful accomplish that, you gain nothing. This is just a waste of time. Ask relevant questions to show your respect to others. Don't waste others' time. Do not feel fearful or embarrass to ask questions. A good teacher likes and appreciates questions.

3. Express Your Points. This helps others' to understand better. Others might be encouraged to do the same to help your learning. But always express relevant points!

4. Listen. Listen for the meaning of the points offered by your teachers. Don't assume anything. The points might be similar to something you heard before, but it might not be the same points.

5. Apply the Knowledge. Use what you learn as soon as possible, or it will simply go away.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Top 5 Tips: Top 5 Basic Guidelines to Live a Life


If we have an effective & efficient Personal Operating System to live our lives, we make it easier for us. I am going to present New and Free 8-hours program, Personal Operating System in August this year. I will announce how to enroll later in this newsletter. Let's share with you a very, very small portion of my Personal Operating System. Here are my 5 basic guidelines to live our lives easier.

1. Know the Basics. Learn the basics. Then you can't learn until you work through it.

2. Use the Right Tools. Different tasks require different tools. Find the right tools. Then select the best one you can afford. It will save you time and effort. It can take away most of the Frustrations.

3. Be a Visionary. See what can be possible for the future. Macroscopically, you would see the possible future of yourself and what you expect. Microscopically, you could see the possible outcomes of a task, a project or a product. One can't be creative, even he/she has the best creative skills, if he/she can't see the possibilities!

4. Input the Right Input. Right Input might not necessarily be Good Inputs. Different processes require different inputs. Wrong inputs, wrong results!

5. Start. Preparation is important. Planning is important, too. But Preparation and planning is not doing! They won't give you any result. Plan, prepare and start doing!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Top 5 Tips: Top 5 Ways to Unstuck a Very Stuck Problem


Sometimes we might become very stuck. What we are facing can be a very difficult problem or situation. Here are my top 5 ways to unstuck a really stuck situation.

1. Lighten Your Burden: Who says that problems must be solved. Tell yourself that some problems are not solvable or some problems are better left them unsolved.

2. Stop Doing whatever You are Doing. If it is useful, it is already useful. Continuing useless methods just add more frustration. Then you are further stuck.

3. Tell Someone about Your Problem. When you describe your problem to someone else, you are organizing your thoughts. This helps.

4. Play. Treat this as a game. If you win, you win. If you lose, you just lose a game. This can “light” up your mind!

5. Seek Advises. Not just one advise, seek at least several. Don't just believe in them. Get some new insights from others' solutions. Then work out your own.

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Top 5 Tips: Top 5 Things a Coach can Help his/her Clients


No matter you are a business coach or personal coach, there are some best things you can help your clients to gain a better life or business. You can do the same to yourself, your friends or your family, even you are not a coach! Here my Top 5 Things a coach can help his/her clients:

1. See Differently. We all have a lot of assumptions. A coach helps others to check their assumptions. Wrong assumptions lead to wrong conclusions! Right conclusion leads to right actions.

2. See More. We get used to see things from a single habitual point of view. Then we can never be creative. A coach introduces new points of view to others so that we can see more by themselves.

3. Become Sensitized. Being sensitized is not being sensitive. We are addicted and become fairly dumb to our normal daily lives. A coach talks to his/her clients to identify anything "strange". Our feedbacks can challenge our clients' usual perceptions. When we are sensitized, we can change quickly.

4. Become Effective. A coach does not just push clients for actions. We help our clients logically analyzing the right things to do. Being effective is not being efficient. Being effective is doing the right things, not just doing things quickly.

5. Understand Themselves. We seldom ask ourselves good questions about our own selves. We always try to understand others, but not ourselves. A coach ask questions, a lot of good questions about his/her clients. When we understand ourselves, everything we do become sensible!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

My Point of View: 如果我有權改革教育…










不是Less is More嗎?

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Customer Service: Refund Policy


I am discussing with John Lau of St. James about refund policy and customer service yesterday.

Our discussion is about whether a service organization should refund if the customer's refund request is not due to dissatisfaction. He has already used up the product and he just wants to get his money back. My opinion is do the refund. If you tell someone that only dissatisfaction can get the refund, he will then claim that he is not satisfy with whatever!

John said that it is quite impossible in social service organization like St. James to do it like that. I do understand his difficulties because St. James has a very strict audit control. The money they earned goes to serving the people in need!

In those commercial organizations, which operate "refund under any condition" policy, not everyone will have such kind of request. Most of us are reasonable people, particularly if we are serving a vast majority of repeated customers (熟客). We have developed a long-term relationship. Relationship is more than money.

Decision in customer service sometimes can be not easy!

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Concepts 101 Part 3: Wants


Apart from needs, we also have "wants"!

Wants are things that we like to have. If we can't have it, it is OK. But if we do get it, we feel happy for a while. Yes, just for a while since once you have what you want, it loses it power to attract you. We either forget about it or we keep on wanting more of it. More can be attractive than less! This can be addictive. Many people wasted their efforts and time by keeping on wanting more of something!

It can be even worse if we misthink our wants as our needs. We will spend unrealistic amount of effort to get it. It is ridiculous to think that you need a 60 inches TV or a LV handbag. You want them but you do not need them!

Needs are always the number 1 form of motivation. Wants can be the second-best. If you want to increase the motivation, relate the goals with wants!

Explore, Exceed & Excel


Top 5 Tips: Top 5 Self-Suggestions I used to Make Myself Healthy, Physically & Mentally


I use self-hypnosis everyday to train my mind and remind myself of what I really want. It takes me only 5 minutes a day. No matter it really works or not, it is just 5 minutes!

You do not need to know Self-Hypnosis to make use of these suggestions. You can use them as affirmations. Just talk to yourself anytime you want. Or even better, talk to yourself just before you sleep and after you wake up.

1. Everyday, in every way, I become better and better.

2. I can find more easier and better ways in any situation.

3. My mind is open and I can see any possibility.

4. I feel relaxed and I feel good. 我感覺很放鬆,我心情很愉快

5. I can treat myself better and better. 我能夠對自己越來越好

Explore, Exceed & Excel

Concepts 101: Needs


This is Part 2 of the Concepts 101 Series. I am going to write all the 101 concepts that I believe and live.

Needs give us the biggest motivation. Needs are things that we must have to survive. There are some common basic needs, like food and air. However, different people are having different other needs because different people has different definitions of survival.

If you cannot satisfy your needs, you find yourself unhappy. We will do whatever to meet our needs.

Knowing our need is our first step to happiness. If we are clear about our needs, we can focus our energy to get them. Most of us are wasting time, effort and money to chase after something, which is not our needs.

If you want a higher motivation, make it related to your needs. If this is something we need, that is, must-have, not nice-to-have, we have the drive.

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